Chapter Twelve

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"To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark." ― Victor Hugo

Kill Her Tears

Ashina had heard the sound of the door of the basement being opened and she pretended to be asleep though she was very weak and her body feels very hot as she had caught fever.

She heard one of the warriors called out to her to get up from the ground and follow them out but she pretended not to hear them as she continued to lay on the cold ground and then she heard footsteps approaching her and the next moment she felt herself being pulled up harshly from the ground and she felt pain on her hand where the warrior had held her tightly and began to pull her out of the basement.

She didn't have the voice to shout at him to let her go that she could walk on her own but instead she let him drag her away as he please.

Immediately she came outside she squinted her eyes as she covered them with her hand shielding the bright light from the sun.

It was five days ago since she last saw the sun and breathe in fresh air. She was still trying to gather enough air in her lungs when she heard a familiar voice.

" Let her go I'll take it from here " The voice said and when she took her hand away from her face she saw that it was Dexter and she forced out a small smile.

She was so happy to see him again. He was wearing a yellow polo shirt and white pants over a white sneakers and he looked more handsome than he had always been as the breeze ruffled his hair.

" Gamma Dexter but Alpha saw we should..... " Kent said the warrior holding her hand and was cut short by Dexter who had no smile on his face.

" I know what Alpha said now let her go " Dexter said as his eyes flicked from yellow to black and then yellow again as a warning and Kent immediately left her hand.

Ashina had never seen Dexter angry before as this was the first time.

" Both of you leave, I'll take her to Alpha myself " He said and the warriors bowed their heads and left.

Dexter watched thier retreating backs as they left and then he turned to look at Ashina who was already looking at him and he saw her lips curved up a little as she gave him a weak smile but he didn't smile back.

He didn't like the state she was in. She wasn't like the girl he met few days ago, she looked lean with her rumpled hair and pale lips like someone who was sick.

Her skin was pale and her eyes were red from crying, there were dark circles round her eyes and her knuckles were red from banging at the door continuously until she was tired.

Most of all he was more annoyed to see a five fingers hand prints on her left cheek where Jayden had slapped her, the mark was still there even after five days to show how hard he had hit her in anger.

" Hi " She said in a weak voice and then her knees trembled and they gave way as she fell but before she could reach the ground Dexter moved quickly and caught her before she could fall and she fell against his body instead.

" Are you alright ? " Dexter asked in a calm and caring voice and he noticed that her body was hot.

" Yes, I'm f.. fine thank you " She said as tears began to fall from her eyes again.

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