chapter forty-two;

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chapter forty-two;

chapter forty-two;

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DRACO DIDN'T KNOW WHEN exactly it became a tradition. Maybe it happened after the first time one of them was in the hospital wing, or maybe after they had all found out his cousin was part wolf, but somehow it was decided that at least one person would be there with her after a rough full moon.

He sat in the chair next to the hospital bed. Athena was in a bad mood, because apparently the night before was worse than usual and Draco tried not to press the red button that would trigger his own hospital visit.

Draco wasn't entirely sure what to do except to bring her the notes they wrote for class, a book for her to read and some quiet.

It wasn't much difficult, they didn't need to speak when they were alone. Athena made sure to ignore him when she could and Draco didn't feel the need to speak to her unless it was to bother her. This was the way it had been since they were toddlers, he doubted it would change.

Except he was always the one to break the silence, "You know, none of us know really where you spend the moon. Care to share?"

"No," Athena retorted, reading with an irritated expression despite the calm tone.

"It's the shack isn't it?" Draco guessed, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly. "Where Lupin used to be, the werewolf headquarter for loners."

She rolled her eyes at the witty comment as if his theory was completely ridiculous to consider. Draco didn't get why though, it was a reasonable guess. Where else would she be if not where the other werewolf used to stay?

Draco opened his mouth to complain, but then Athena stilled weirdly and her eyes snapped to the door of the hospital wing with an unreadable look on her face.

His own face fell when he saw who came in.

Of course, Draco thought snidely as he glared at the visitor, like Potter could pass up a day without visiting the hospital wing.

"What are you doing here?" He voiced out loud with great annoyance.

"Not visiting you," Potter quipped back, his eyes fixated on the bandage around Athena's leg with furrowed brows.

Draco snipped his fingers, raising his eyebrows at the attention seeker. He didn't like how Potter stared at his cousin, what business do those two have? Why did Potter have to fancy his cousin of all people? There were a hundred other girls in their school to fawn over.

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