chapter forty-seven;

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chapter forty-seven;

chapter forty-seven;

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THE NEXT FEW DAYS flew by in a flash for her and everyone else in the house. Athena had found herself setting a routine, much like she had done the last summer. Only this time it was different from what she was used to.

Relationships never came easy to her, it took her a lot of years to accept her friends as friends—and she still hadn't admitted out loud. There were not a lot of people Athena was close to you, let alone who she trusted.

She did know that Hades was right when he mocked her for her issues. ( another thing she was never going to admit out loud )

Somehow it still didn't surprise her when the newfound development between her and Harry came with ease. It didn't take them long to get used to each other—almost naturally, like it happened before, ironically.

There was not much change between them, Athena still didn't look at him when her face would heat up, mostly out of habit, and he still annoyed her to no end sometimes, they would never stop arguing at least once a day.

Except now she didn't have to fight her feelings for him, she would let him grab her hand and kiss her on the lips without denying how much she much enjoyed it.

In the past days they spent at her house, they returned to their nightly meetings where Harry would sneak out of his room with Weasley and right into Athena's. Sometimes they would sit on her bed, until she brought him outside on the roof.

Athena didn't know if anyone noticed, she didn't really care either. It wasn't like she planned to announce it to the entire world, she was content with leaving it just between him and her.

"Morning," Harry muttered as he moved past her into the kitchen, pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth fleetingly.

( The first time he did that he didn't realise it until later, leaving her very much speechless and him feeling like an idiot. )

She sat at the counter, a cup of coffee in her hands and a board of chess in front of her—one without names on it. Neither of them could sleep very well, and it was still early in the morning—around half six am or something and she was glad they were alone right now. She didn't think she'd have the patience for anyone else.

Harry made himself useful for breakfast. Athena didn't know how to feel about him being better at something than her, but she didn't move from her spot as she watched him grab utensils from the cupboards.

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