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Mizuki ●

Spending the last few days with Rhea and her mates was a heck of a ride, and I was honestly glad that they would be gone by tomorrow. She was a cool person, but I just felt that her mates had something against me, not only that it was hard to get time to talk with my mate when they were everywhere.

As soon as I start to speak, Rhea pops up out of nowhere and starts talking about the most random thing.

This morning, we got a message saying the moon goddess herself requested our presence for a meeting. Zephyr sent Oz out to find Mylo and Rhys since they were also invited, and Rhea and her mates were expected to be there also.

While they all got ready, Zephyr stayed in bed with me for a bit longer until he said he would go and take a shower. So I was just laying here wrapped in the sheets of my bed, waiting for him to come out so I could go in.

He suggested that I showered with him, but I refused because he had another idea besides us actually taking a shower.

Lately, the thought of us mating has been on my mind continuously, I wanted to bring up the topic to him too, but Cass said him and Eros should be the ones to initiate it. I wanted it, though. My birthday was coming up again, and I would love for the bad memory to be replaced with a fond one.

The shower stopped, and a few minutes later, Zephyr walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. It was hard to stop thinking about mating when he was like this. His muscular arms glistened, and the dark ink that decorated his arms looked very appealing. I loved his arms. They were big, and the veins made them more captivating.

His fingers were long, and he always had some form of jewellery on them. He was perfect even though his communication skills were lacking he was still heaven sent.

"Staring is rude."

I quickly looked off to the window as if that was what I was doing from the beginning. Zephyr chuckled, and I huffed, rolling over on the bed to look up at him. He was getting dressed into comfortable clothes, so I asked, "Why are you wearing those?"

He paused and looked down at what he was wearing then at me. "What's the matter?"

"Aren't we going somewhere?" I asked, and he used his hands to smoothen his burgundy shirt out.

"Yeah so?"

"So we are going in the presence of royalty, don't you think we should dress the part?" I suggested.

He stared at me for a few moments before replying, "my love, we are the royalty."

I gaped at him.

"That's crazy."

"It's the truth, now get up and get ready." He said, then walked out of the room, leaving me.

I blinked at the door for a second, then got up with a loud groan, twisting and turning to relieve my aching muscles.

I took a shower, and when I was finished, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, dissatisfied with how my hair looked.

It was all short because I decided to be a stylist and cut my hair a little bit too short, but it'll grow back.

I ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to sort the curls in a somewhat pleasing pattern.
In the end, I gave up and left it the way it was.

I wasn't wearing white today shockingly, I wanted to match with my mate, and so I wore black and took his advice to dress comfortably.

When I was all ready, I left my room and walked down the hallway, with George on my tail.

I walked past Rhea and her mates room as fast as I could, but unfortunately, I did not make it far enough.

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