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Meeting my mate for the first time was a feeling I've never experienced before, the rush that I would like to live over and over again.

The first time I saw Mizuki was in the mirror, at that moment it was as if my life was whole again. The reason I continued to live on was here, and I was able to see him again. That was what rang through my head at that moment.

Though he looked exactly like my previous mate, he looked completely different at the same time. He had freckles scattered all over his face, a detail that I loved so much that I would wake hours before him to try and count just how much he really had.

His eyes were bigger and more captivating. He was slim when we first met, and now he was getting plumper, which I loved. I love waking up and watching him change in so many beautiful ways.

He tried to hide himself under my shirts, but that made me even weaker for him.

Unknowingly, I would watch him pull the shirt down to his thighs, then turn to the side to look at himself clearer in the mirror, trying to see if his little nonexistent bump was showing.

His hair was much longer now his bangs have grown out, and now he ties it all up in a cute little bun at the back.

Mizuki was truly fascinating, the way he refused to eat anything unless there was pineapple in or beside it. He often starts talking about one thing and completely goes off topic.

Maybe it was the fact that Eros had filled me in on what he and Cassius had before I even knew him or Mizuki. Now, I was more distracted by his presence.

I noticed the small changes, the way his scent changed to a much sweeter one of flowers, the way he looked absolutely annoyed whenever Keegan was standing anywhere close to Mylo and the way he was now more calmer and actually listened to me.

Was I in love? No, but I wasn't far from it.

I would like to be, though.

“What are you thinking about?” The small omega asked, raising his head to look at me.

The tip of his hair was white, which I didn't understand. The amulet was supposed to block his powers.

“Nothing.” I said, and he nodded, placing his head back on the pillow next to mine.

My eyes moved downwards as I looked at the multitude of freckles. I hope they have his freckles.

I decided not to be mad that he made us drink that flower because it was no good right now, and I wanted to spend time with him.

Eros told me he made a deal with the witch when his family died. Cassius suffered after that, trying to keep him in the right state of the mine, and his mother started to slowly drain him of his powers right after that, too.

Eros made a deal. To protect himself and his mate, he told the witch to link Cassius with a human as their wolf, making sure to remove all memories of him and his horrible mother, giving him a fresh start.

The witch paired Koa and Cassius together.

Eros, too, was sent to be paired with a human that human being me. The difference between them was that Eros remembered everything that happened while Cassius didn't even know he was Eros's mate for a long time.

In return, Eros promised to protect the witch, and he's been doing that ever since. He gave her a new identity, and ever since then, she's been on the run.

Now she was being hunted, and if she was smart, she would've come out and let us protect her the right way.

“No seriously, what are you thinking about?” Mizuki asked again, this time scooting closer to me.

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