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It was as if I was staring at a different person, a person who looked hideous. It was strange seeing myself with black hair, I had never imagined the day would come when my hair colour would change. If I did imagine it, I saw myself with pink hair, not bland and boring black.

I looked even paler than I was before.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled.

“You’re being dramatic.”

“I’m dramatic?” I asked as I turned to face Mylo, who was sitting very comfortably on my bed.

“Yeah.” he nodded, and I huffed, turning back to the mirror.

I wasn’t being dramatic; this was a crucial situation. The hair colour that I was given at birth was now gone. I was a different person.

It's not bad at all. I had black hair.” Cassius voiced.

“That’s not the point, and we look nothing alike. Maybe your black hair suited you-when did you even have hair? You have fur, and it’s white.” I said.

Right.” he hummed, and I walked back to my bed, practically flinging myself on the soft mattress.

“You okay? Do you want cake?” I heard Mylo ask, and I  raised my head to look up at him and shook my head.

This wasn’t time for cake.

“I want to go home.”

“You are home.”

Right. This was home, but why did it feel like this? Over the past two days I’ve been thinking of reasons why Zephyr would do this, but I came up blank every time. For my own good? But was it really?

First, he kept that fact that he had some sort of agreement or leverage over Morana and told me nothing. He took care of her as he said and didn’t tell me the full truth that she was no longer alive, then he went behind my back and took everything I had left away from me. I would’ve been okay if he had asked me. At least it would feel as if he cared about my take on the situation.

He didn’t though. He took away my powers, and now Cassius is trapped, I am trapped for Goddesses sake.

I think this was more Eros than Zephyr from what I've seen over the years. Eros is the more driven one what he says kind of goes.” Cassius said in a matter of factly tone, and I paused even though I wasn't moving to begin with.

“Over the years?” I asked curiously.

Yeah, when I was with Koa.”

When he was with Koa, Koa? I almost forgot about him, too. Has Cass ever told me he was Koa's wolf before he was mine? I don't think he did, and if he did, I certainly don't remember that.

So all this time, I could've figured out what happened to my mate's previous mate, and I had no clue.

Sitting up quickly, I crossed my legs and faced Mylo. He looked, taken back by the sudden action, and leaned back about an inch away from me.

“What?” he asked.

“Is Koa here?” I whispered, and he leaned closer, eyes focused on my mouth with a weird look on his face.


“When you were gone, your body was here. Is Koa's body here?” I asked a bit louder. When he finally realized what I said, he hummed and shrugged.

“Maybe, but it's been a long time since then, but we have all these magical beings all over the place, so it's fifty fifty.” He said, and I nodded.

If it was here, it had to be with the last person who saw Koa that day. Kian.

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