Chapter 3: Mondstadt

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Me and Vent- I mean Barbatos start to fly towards the direction to Mondstadt.

"So Y/N, since you obviously  aren't from here. Did you know who I am?" Barbatos questions me.

"Uhh, yes.. i-i heard it from uh other.. humans"

It feels weird calling my own kind "humans" but since I don't really think im human anymore, so I guess it would be better to say it like that.

"I see"


(Venti thinking): hm..they are kinda suspicious, but they don't seem to mean any harm


"I don't think I've seen someone that has the same kind of wings as me! People and gods with wings are not something you see everyday!"

"Well.. you're here, in front of me right now."

"You bird head! I'm saying that winged people are rare and yours are pretty like mine!"

"H-hey I'm not a bird head! A-and you would be a bird head too since you have wings as well!"

"Ehe~ I like you. We should hang out more.(Even tho they just met) Also, were almost there."

"O-oh ok."


"We're here!!!"

Woah.. I'm actually in Mondstadt.

"We're in the middle of repairing and building things so it's still quite unfinished."


We fly down to the main area and people start to surround us but don't get too close. The silence was long until people start whispering to each other.

"Who is that with Lord Barbatos?"

"They kinda look similar.. Are they related?"

"Are they friends?"

"Don't get too close to them, it's disrespectful.."



Everyone shuts their mouths like it just been taped shut.

"Hello my dear people. I have brought a friend. They will be living here for a while, so please treat them with respect, just how you treat me."

The silence was long once again and then Barbatos bid me a farewell and starts to fly up and away to go back to his duties.

"Meet me at the gates of Liyue in a week or so at sunset" was what venti said before he left.

"H-Hello, my name is Y/N. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

I looked at the people and they looked back at me. Some people smiled and looked excited, some people waved at me, which I waved back, and some people frowned at me and I wasn't sure why. After that, the adults went back to what they were doing, while most of the children ran up to me. Suddenly, a boy poked my arm and I turn to them.

"Hi Ms. Y/N! Are you a friend of Mr. Lowrd Barbietoes?

I almost laughed at the name.

"Heh, I guess I am."

I put my hand on the boys head and gave him a pat on the head. He smiled at me and ran back to his mother who looked at me and frowned. What was her problem?

The other kids held my hands and arms and started jumping up and down.

"Miss Y/N, can we play with your wings?"

"Of course, how could I say no? And you don't need to call me Miss, just call me Y/N."

"Thank you Y/N!!"

The kids started to cheer as I sat down to their height. I spread my wings out and the kids were very excited when I did and started playing with my wings

This place is nicer than I expected. I guess the time during the archon war wasn't that bad.

Oh how I couldn't be more wrong...

I think I maybe made venti a little TOO trusting with Y/N.

-607 words-


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