Teetering Futures (U-20 pt.2)

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Ehe....I'm Back to continue U-20 🤓☝️


"If we win, Sae's taking me to Spain to start my career there."

In an instant, Isagi felt his whole world shift

like an earthquake had just transpired.


WARNINGS: Language, some anxiety, Angst

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WARNINGS: Language, some anxiety, Angst

By now, the sky had completely darkened, and the stars came out to kiss the black envelope above the stadium. From miles away, the cheers of the crowd and the lights from the arena could be seen and heard. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon for Japan, the small island country about to endure a revelation in the football world that will change its essence forever.

Isagi cast his gaze upwards into the stands, as the blinding flashes and cries filled his sharp senses the moment he stepped onto the field from the shadows.

The match started in twenty-five minutes, and the stands were packed.

Not a single seat was left unfilled. Some even shared seats with those who managed to sneak in, uncaring about whether they paid or didn't pay for the seat. The spectators all shared a passion for soccer, one that gave them all an almost familial bond with each other.

Soccer is a sport that unites people. And now, in the country where soccer has yet to shine the brightest, the sport works its magic once again to bring these people together.

No one knew who Isagi Yoichi was. However, despite that fact, the excited crows cheered loudly as his cleat met the turf.

He walked onto the field with hesitation. This was a first-time experience for Isagi, so naturally for him, there was a lot to unpack here.

The boy stood still, letting the wind ruffle his hair as he now debated warming up.

Looking to the opposite side of the field, his eyes widened as he saw you cheerfully talking to Sae as you juggled the ball, performing small tricks as you did so to keep a portion of the crowd entertained.

Isagi frowned, almost annoyed as to how quickly you adapted to your new team. Granted, you were talking to your brother now, but it still looked as if you didn't have a care in the world, just as how you had acted once adapting to Blue Locks environment at the start of everything.

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