Loud mouth

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I spend my time switching between YouTube and the TV. For a hospital you would expect the TV's to work better but only two channels have good enough connection to watch, one about the game, and one is a kids show. You can guess why I wasn't that entertained.

It's about 2:26 when a there's knock at the door. My favorite nurse, Ms.Kora, walks in but I can see Shuichi behind her waiting outside. "Before your visit I just need to check your vitals reallyyy quick." They say grabbing a blood pressure machine and a heart monitor.

My heart rate is at 82, and my blood pressure is at 95.

"I'm gonna keep these on during your visit so if anything starts beeping call me or another nurse. However right now they're pretty average so you should be okay!" They say while grabbing a smaller version of the heart monitor that goes on my finger.

"Have fun, I'll be back in 30 minutes!" They exclaim before leaving the room and letting Shuichi in, it's 2:31 now.

He walks in and sits down in the chair to my right, staying silent until I broke the silence. "Sooo??" He kinda snapped out of Lala land and answered "Oh sorry, I didn't really plan what to say"

He looks genuine so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"How are you doing? No one has really said anything about you so I didn't know if anyone had visited you yet." He said very obviously embarrassed from his previous comment. Normally I'd be annoyed by small talk but it's funny when he looks embarrassed.

"I'm doing amazing! Almost everyone has visited me so far, Im so confused to why no one's talked about the amazing conversations we've had yet!!!" I'm obviously lying but he takes a second to piece that together.

"Ouma-" He tries to answer but I cut him off immediately "Ew call me kokichi you don't needa be all formal like that". He continues where he left off "Kokichi, I know you like to lie all the time, but can you not lie right now. I came here to see if you were okay knowing the others would judge me if they knew I was doing this." With a tone of frustration.

If he cares so much about his reputation he wouldn't come see me for no reason. I just can't think of what he would want.

"You think I care about your reputation with the others?? Why'd you come see me if you were so worried they'd judge you. It's not like I made you come here." I argue. 

He sighs and turns away "I don't even know why I tried." Girl tried WHAT?? I have no idea what he's talking about. He makes this weird face, I haven't seen him make it since the end of the 4th trial. It feels somewhat nostalgic.

"I don't even know what you want with me? Literally no one has visited me and alllll of a sudden you want too because your curious on how I'm doing? Thats it??" I continue with my argument.

"Yes??? Why would I need another reason???" He says trying to calm himself.

I stare at him for a second before I hear a beep.

"What was that?" Shuichi says snapping out of his frustration. I look around and the beeping happens again. Its coming from the heart monitor on my finger.

I look at the monitors heart rate section and It reads 130. It beeps again and I remember what the nurse said.

"Is it supposed to beep like that?" Shuichi says after noticing my expression. "I need a nurse." I say trying to calm myself to make it go back down.

"Okay I'll go get one, will you be fine if I leave?" He replies. His face looked genuinely concerned, It was probably the fact I was too busy focusing on calming myself down though.

The monitor beeps again. "Yeah I think so, just go" I say quickly. He nods and walks out.

I lay down and breathe in and out for what seems to be 10 minutes before the door opens. "Shuichi did you find a nurse?" I say as I sit up, but once I'm sitting I only see one person, a nurse. "I had to cut your visit short in order to treat you properly, I hope that is okay." She answers. "Yeah, that's fine."

I know a lot of people would probably be confused why I lie to everyone but not the nurses. That's cause they have so many patients they probably don't even remember half the shit I say.

Hii guys!!!!!
I made this while I was at school so
sorry if it's bad🙁

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