Chapter 5: Uchiha Shisui

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Naruto trains in the woods, becomes acquainted with Uchiha Shisui and a year passes.

The blond child swung his bag over his shoulder and locked his apartment door with a soft click . He made his way down the stairs and walked through the Red Light District. The afternoon sun bared down on the rambunctious streets and made the air heavy and unpleasant.

The streets were filled with the dregs of society. Prostitutes wearing heavy layers of cosmetics lingered outside the brothels hoping to catch patrons for the day. Men adorned in worn-out rags sat on the curbs, their gaze sunken and shriveled bodies eyeing the people who passed by them hungrily. Young teenagers with haggard expressions raced ahead in ripped and thin clothing, their nimble fingers sliding into pedestrian purses and money pouches.

Naruto made his way through the crowded streets, reaching the more affluent areas of Konoha. He made his way to the thick woods at the edge of the village, climbing over high stone boulders and jumping over green shrubs as he delved deeper and deeper into the woods.

Naruto made his way towards the streaming river and set his bag down by the water bank. He walked towards the clearing of trees and rolled his shoulders silently, stretching his body slowly and diligently. 

Naruto released a long breath and closed his eyes, focusing on manifesting his chakra to his fingertips. He opened his eyes, gazing at the thin strings in concentration and wiggled his fingers experimentally, infusing more chakra into each string, watching as they grew longer and longer.

He directed the strings to his discarded bag and concentrated, wrapping them on his few rusty kunai, collected from abandoned training grounds.

Naruto wrapped his strings around the handles and flexed his fingers sharply, pulling the blades towards him. He leaped backwards and moved his fingers quickly, changing the trajectory and aimed towards the trees, watching in sharp concentration as they penetrated the wood. He tsked quietly as he eyed his work in dissatisfaction.

His aim was still inadequate.

Naruto sighed and pulled the blades out of the wood with a grunt. He kept practicing. 

His movement seized as he felt a presence behind him. Naruto whirled around and flexed his fingers, launching his knives at the intruder. He watched with wide eyes as the familiar figure dodged the attack easily.

Naruto pulled his knives back and gazed warily at the adolescent Uchiha. The dark haired teen gazed at the rusty weapons curiously as they remained floating in the air, suspended and poised for attack, hovering protectively in front of the boy.

His eyebrows rose in wonder and his dark eyes lit up in excitement as he stepped forward. Naruto took a step back warily and the teen froze.

The teen surveyed him for a few silent moments, his dark eyes flicking to his tense form before he smiled disarmingly.

"Hey kozō. Not fishing today?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

Monsters are made (Not Born) (Aot x Naruto) by hatredwithpassionWhere stories live. Discover now