Seattle Freeze and Him

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Seattle has been everything I wanted it to be. It is gorgeous and like a canvas with vivid colors splashed all across to create a phenomenal landscape. And it doesn't rain as much as I thought it would, the Seattle Freeze is more real than the so-called gloomy weather. That is not the con on my list, I don't have a great record of getting along with people regardless, so I fit right in with the Seattleite. 

Fighting with my foster Parents has some perks to it. The only downside is being away from Landon, something I didn't think I would be afraid of when I first met him as a scared little boy. 

Sometimes the guilt of running away does overshadow this newfound state of being, not independence, I have always been free, but a change from my regular life. I may not consider Mr. and Mrs. Austin my parents, but Landon is a thread that ties us into a real family. Being here, without anyone of them knowing about my whereabouts feels like betrayal. Yet I can't get myself to pick up the phone and call them. Tell them I am okay, that they don't have to worry, or that I love them. I am a coward for it, like I have been for years since they adopted us. Scared to let them love me or let myself love them.

Maybe I am doing them a favor by getting out of there home and lives, it's not like they wanted me around. If it wasn't for Lan I would not have been adopted. He's the reason I can't even hate them, they love him more than a biological parent would love their own blood, I know it for a fact, mine wanted me dead. 

Deep breath Heath

I can hear Landon's voice, telling me to calm these thoughts down, like he used to when I would get in a fight. 

Troubled kid was my preferred name after all. My legal names have not been reliable enough. 

Heather Mae Griffith that's who I used to be, A name I hadn't used in years, out of fear. Heather Austin, is the one I have hated using all my school years, because It makes me feel like an Imposter. 

 Sadly, the company I am interviewing for right now, wouldn't have called me for an interview if my application had my preferred name. 

So, for this chapter of my life I am, Heather Mae. 

That reminds me about the worst part of Seattle, The traffic which is going to make me loose my only chance of surviving on my own, the Interview.

The cruel reminder jolts me out of a state of stupor induced by the random transitions of wrecking thoughts and I dash from the cab to reach my destination of the day. Finally I enter the lobby of a sleek magnificent and humungous reception. I make my way to the reception to get directions for the office I am supposed to be in within the next 5 mins. 

Finally I reach the elevators, and with none being available I rush into a private elevator at the far end of the lobby just before it is about to close, and their happens to be a Man inside giving me a weird look, not one of frustration but more "Who's she?". 'Fascinating but not quite that fascinating' kind of look. I meekly smile up to him, which required me to tilt my head back, and for a tall girl like me, that only means the guys standing next to me must be the Love child of Mt. Everest. But the beauty standing inside is definitely the love child of the Eiffel Tower and Burj Khalifa. He's tall and hot. All my weakness wrapped in a perfectly tailored suit.

"Sorry, I am running late, and I need to make it to this appointment, please don't be mad"

"It's alright, I don't like the concept of private elevators much" The smile he gives me is equal parts cocky and warm, how one even manages to do that. Mischief on his lips and a glint of warmth in his eyes. Nothing about that look screames 'he's a stranger!' to me. I feel all fuzzy and warm, and I know I am going to think about this stranger for quite some time. The proximity wasn't helping either, maybe that's why words barely above a whisper slipped through my lips with ease and sans restraint.

"What is it about elevators?"

"You didn't just quote Christian Grey"

Well shit, he wasn't meant to hear that.

"Maybe I did, you have a problem with that?" I threw back at him, mirroring his smirk.

He chuckled, a sound as melodious as a symphony from heavens, this man is dangerous just by what his mere presence has done to my heart in a second. I want to stay quiet to save myself some embarrassment but his charm is disarming all my defenses. Strangers don't have such effects on you, Do they? His gelled back hair and perfectly shaven face arouse fantasies I have avoided. And it's not just attraction or lust, it's his smile. Does he give it away that freely? Is it his real smile, because if this is a facade then he better keep his real one far away, because that may just explode my heart. A few seconds in his presence and every cell on my skin feels charged with want.

"Not at all, it's just that he was 50 shades of fucked up?" He answers in a level and sweet tone, slightly mocking but not menacing, like a bait. And like an Idiot I take it, rather I dive for it.

"Was is the keyword there, he did sort himself out by the end" I say with a light huff, welcoming the impromptu banter as a distraction from all the day dreaming about this hot as sin stranger. 

"It took him 3 books to do that, which is too much time for a man in therapy for years. Also, it's total bullshit that he needed a girl and a child to pull his head out of his ass" He give me a challenging look, and I jump for it again, feeling way over-energized over nothing.

"Sometimes we all need a kick on the backside, Though I do agree that there isn't a single life altering day in anyone's life and there wasn't one for Christian and Anna, that's why it's a trilogy not a standalone" He was about to say something but the elevator stops at my floor. It's safe to say I feel tinniest bit of disappointment, his eyes a reflection of my emotion. Or I'd like to imagine they are.

"It was nice meeting you, thanks for letting me use the elevator, not that you could have kicked me out..." I say on my way out and turn to wave a goodbye to the handsome stranger. Just as the elevator was about to close, and my hopes seem to be crumbling, he wedges his shoe between the doors, halting them in their path. He looks at me, leaning forwards a little, closest he's been to me.

"I don't think it is ever about the elevator, but the person you are trapped with." He leans even closer, so close I can almost feel his breath, and I want to close the space but he moves his head sideways and whispers in my ears, "See you around grey." And with a wink he's back to his normal position, the cocky smirk back on his face, all I want to do is wipe it off his face with my lips. 

I wish I get this freaking job; I really do want to see him again. I want to ride the elevator with him again and again.


Please share if you liked this little snippet from heather's Past. 

Would love some feedback :)

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