Ache of my heart

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The drive to the Willow is relaxing as usual. Other than the chaos Lan and Bee have created in the backseat. The two of them together forget how to act like humans. They don't even remember the substantial 25-year age difference between them.

"Behave, both of you, or else Lan I'll Make you sit up front."

"No Mommy" comes a cry in unison from the back.

I smile looking at them in the mirror.

"I should buy a custom car seat that fits you both, at least then my car won't feel like a bounce house, Stop dancing around Lan"

They carry on completely ignoring me. For the rest of the drive I enjoy the view and ignore them for most parts. Finally, when I pull up on our parent's Estate, Landon starts acting a little more his age.

Mum and Dad are waiting outside, they always do. I park the car and Lan gets Brian out of his car seat. My son goes running right into his grandpa's arms who's kneeled down on the ground equally ready to catch this rolling ball of laughter and energy.

"Get the bags out of the car Lan, only then you are allowed entry into the house." "You are not the Boss around here Heath!" He cribs like the man child he is.

"Yes, she is, now listen to your sister." Mom comes around the car and gives me a side hug. While dad is off with Brian to lord knows where. He is just as bad as Landon.

"Hi Mom!"

"Hi sweety"

We hug each other, longer than usual.

After getting all my things inside the house Lan goes off to find Dad and Bee. He doesn't like being left alone. Which leaves mum and I. We make our way towards the kitchen, because regardless of how big their house is, and that they have 2 separate seating rooms, the kitchen is where we spend most of our time. Dad does say we don't need no fancy rooms just one big kitchen and we are in heaven.

"Wow! you have cooked up a feast, I can smell it from here!"

"I have made the special grams pasta!" "Mom! That is so..... I am wordless and soon to be in a food coma." I make my way for the oven to taste test the pasta, she swats my hand away. "No young lady, food later, first tell me what's wrong."

"Wrong? Nothing is wrong."

"Heath, I know something is eating at you, tell me sweetheart, what aches your heart."

"Aches my heart? That is so damn poetic mom, but I don't have any poetic issues, just work."

She sits on the comfy chairs by the door that opens towards the Backyard.

"I know it is more than work, but for now, let's talk work."

I sigh and sit down. "I can't find the right partner for the expansion, talked to so many people, business persons from 10 different states, everyday is full of disappointment, and I don't get the time to creatively invest in the company."

"It's not easy to find what you are looking for, its part of the process." "I know, but I feel exhausted."

"Sweet pea, you do have other options." "I am not taking money from you." "I know you won't do that, you are like your dad, dead set on making it on your own." I give her a tired smile, which seems to be all I can do these days.

"I was talking about a loan or a silent investor, you don't need to find a partner who is willing to invest more than just money in the business. Because your company is a big part of your life and sharing that with someone is like having a life partner. Is that what you really want?"

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