𝜗𝜚 chapter eight 𝜗𝜚

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but i'm still no one and you're now a star, what do you care?

May 14th 2021

The towel scrapes over her damp body, sucking in the water, drying her skin. The steam filled the room, making it humid. Her cheeks rosy red and her hair stuck at the back of her neck and top of her forehead.

The door opens slightly as she reaches out her hand to grab the large sized clothes. It was a plain white t-shirt and plain grey joggers, much too big for her.

She drapes the t-shirt over her head, taking in the mixed smell of cologne and washing up liquid. The fabric was soft and comforting, as was the smell. The joggers fell down her waist to her hips, which made her fold them until they were pleasantly sitting on her hips.

The door now fully ajar, she steps out and is hit by a cold breeze from the air conditioner. The bright sun was still glaring through the windows, making her squint her eyes slightly. She faces the other way, towards the door leading out of the bedroom, and heads that way.

A familiar smell met her nose. She couldn't quite place it but she could recognise that it was one of her favourite comfort foods.

She makes her way to the kitchen to find a certain man standing above the stove with a pan handle in his hand.

"Hi." he turns his head and looks at her. He smiles, making eye contact. "Are you feeling better now?" The girl nods her head in return. "Good. I've made you some food, come, come." he ushers her over to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

She places her clothes and the towel on the stool next to her to have empty hands and an empty lap.

The man plates the food and begins walking up to her. Before her, is french toast, with a side of tomato sauce. The sides of the toast is a bit burnt, but the girl pretends not to notice.

"Thank you, Charles. I mean it." she looks up to him and smiles widely, truly glad to have met someone like him. Even though they had only met a few days ago, their chemistry was incredibly strong between the two.

"You're very welcome." he smiles back. He raises his eyebrows, as if saying — try it.

Amilia lifts her knife and fork slowly, and then begins to slice through the toast. She dips it in the sauce and places it in her mouth.

On the first chew there wasn't much happening, but on the second one, all she could taste was salt. She smiles a fake smile at him and he starts to look proud of himself.

She swallows the toast and says, "Oh, yeah." she bops her head up and down. "This is very, very good." she tries her best to sound sincere but it ends up coming out sarcastic anyway.

Charles frowns, his confidence now destroyed. "It's bad, isn't it?"

Amilia nods.

Charles frowns deeper.

"But!" she shouts, "I can teach you how to make it." the girl lifts her chin in confidence. Charles nods his head enthusiastically. She begins listing the things she needs to make it, but he's missing one thing. Milk.

"Ahh, so that's where i went wrong?" the man asks. The woman nods. "I see." he laughs.

As the girl guides him step by step how to make the perfect french toast, Charles watches her intensely. When she finds him staring at her she calls his name to make sure he's listening.

"Charles! Come on, you have to perfect your technique." she jokes. Her attempt at sound professional didn't work.

"I'm sorry." he says grinning.

By the end, they had made four slices of the french toast. Two went on her plate, two onto his. They both had sides of tomato sauce on their plate.

Charles slices through his first piece, dips it, and nods his head in approval. "This is much better than mine," he laughs.

"The only reason i'm so good at making this is because of uni. I would have this maybe two out of the three main meals, sometimes all of them, every single day." Amilia tells him. It's true. In uni when she was mega broke and couldn't afford fancy meals, french toast, and other types of toast, was her only source of food.

"Why is that?" he questions her. The man sitting across from her seems genuinely interested in what she's saying, he's listening very intently.

"Because, when you've no money and a student in uni, quick, easy, and affordable things are the only things you eat. But i didn't just have french toast, i had other types too. Like avocado on toast, beans on toast-" her list is stopped by a chuckle from the man in front of her.

"Beans?" Charles tilts his head and laughs harder this time.

"Uhm, yes? It's a British delicacy." Amilia stands on her point. "Next time i'll make you that. But you're going to have to trust me on that one."

Those words lingered in his head for a moment. Next time.

"Okay, okay, i will." the man laughs. For a moment, there is a calming silence. The space is not awkward, but rather enjoyable. They both took it in for a moment before Charles dropped the bomb. "I really didn't want to bring it up, but... what happened?"

The mood shifts from happy and relaxed to an anxious ambience. "He was being creepy and kept following me." she begins. "I had bumped into him at Maria's before all of it, and after he just began following me, begging for my number. I had to lie and say i had a boyfriend, and that's when i texted you."

Charles' frown in now a genuine, disappointed frown. He was upset at himself that he could let something like that to happen to her.

"When i was sat waiting for you on that bench, he was sat at the other end. But, he just kept getting closer." her throat closed up, triggering her eyes to start watering. It took her a minute to calm herself down before continuing, and he let her. He didn't say anything, only looked at her with a comforting gaze,

They held eye contact for a few seconds before she continued," And then he wrapped his arm around my neck and he pulled me in. I was so scared, Charles. And he really held on tight, i couldn't move. I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't come when you did. Thank you, so much."

"I wish i was there sooner. Im so sorry, Amilia." he stood up from his stool and walked around the island to stand in front of her. She stood up with him and they embraced into a soft, gentle hug.

They both stood there, for what felt like minutes, just feeling the moment as it is. Eventually they pulled back and looked at each other. Amilias eyes glanced at Charles lips before hurriedly looking back up at his eyes. Charles however, only stared at her lips.

They leaned closer, and closer, and closer.

And then a phone went off, startling them and spoiling the moment for the both of them.


stop because i need to SLOW THIS DOWNNNN they are moving on too fast for me but tension is tension 🤩

love you guys mwah mwah 🫶🏻❤️

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