Elena & Liam Part 1

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No ones POV:

Elena sat at the back of the classroom, reading her book. She hated maths and wanted it to be over, she preferred english.

She was very quiet, not popular, she wouldnt speak up much. She didn't really know anyone in her class other than the loud students who got in trouble all the time. Elena could never be one of them as she is so sensitive.

She knew one boy in particular, his name was Liam. He was very attractive, he had beautiful blue eyes and thick blonde hair; he had soft features and had dimples when he smiled. He was about 6'0, all the girls wanted him. He was way out of Elena's league.

Liam was very loud and obnoxious, he made it aware to the class that he hated maths by throwing his book across the room. He got shouted at but found it funny, of course. Elena didn't even know if he knew her name.

As she daydreamed, she hadn't even noticed the bell had rang for the end of school. She took a sigh of relief and put her book back in her back. She took one more glance at Liam before he walked out of the room with his soccer friends.


Elena had been invited to the soccer game at school at 7. She didn't know if she was going to make it, she had to babysit her cousins. She only had around 4 friends, but none of them liked soccer, so she had nobody to go with. If she went to the game she would just be sat in the bleachers like a loner, but to be honest, she liked it that way.

She sat with her baby cousins on the sofa as she wathed Beauty and The Beast. Thats the only childrens movie she was willing to watch. She was bored and felt like she was missing out. It was 6:50, the game started in 10 minutes. She made up her mind and decided to go, even if she would look like a loner. She wanted to see Liam and probably watch 5 other girls walk up to him; but didn't mind. She has liked this man since 4th grade, she has tried to lose feelings before but she feels like when she does, he will start to like her. She will just wait, for now.

She went upstairs and knocked on her brother's door, "What do you want?" Her brother, Jake, said from the inside.
"Can you babysit the kids for me?" Elena asked in her politest tone.
"You got money?" Jake asked, of course.
"Aunt is paying us. When she brings round the money just say you babysat, not me," She said, hoping he would agree.
"Fine, but i'm not watching disney with them," He says annoyed.
"Thank you!" Elena said happily as she walked downstairs and grabbed her coat. It was a red leather jacket, one she always wore.



Elena arrived at the football game. It was crowded and jam packed, obviously. She found an empty high row of bleachers and sat down, putting her feet up on the chair infront of her. She looked around, she didn't normally go to things like these, she was just trying to be more social.

The game started. She starts to realise that watching soccer is the most boring thing ever. She looks around again and realises most of the girls here don't care about the game, but only about Liam. Mostly why she came. What was she thinking? Was she actually expecting Liam to come up to her and drop to one knee?

Elena realises this was a stupid mistake and is about to leave when she realises she brought her book with her. Part of the reason she came here was to be social, it wasn't all about Liam. She grabbed her book and started to read until the game was over. Liam's team had lost. Not that she cared. Everyone was leaving the stands when Liam notices Elena.

"Hey look it's Jake's sister!" He says to his soccer friends, "what are you doing here?" She wasn't going to tell him the truth and say, "for you," so she decided to pretend not to hear him. She didn't want to talk to him, she just wanted to admire from afar.

"Jake's sister!" Liam shouted again. Elena sighs. Does he even know her name? She gets lost in the crowd and feels pathetic. She knows she's overreacting but when you like a guy that much, you tend to think about your interactions over and over again, thinking of everything right and wrong about it.


When she gets home, she sits on her bed with her head in her hands. She closes her eyes and thinks about what happened. She didnt want to be known as "Jake's sister." Infact, thats the last thing she wanted. Jake is an asshole, they are completely different considering they are twins. What did she expect, Jake and Liam are best friends.

She walks downstairs to get a glass of water. Her baby cousins had gone home, it was around 8:20. She could hear Jake shouting at the X-Box upstairs. She grabbed a glass of water and sipped it before a shiver ran down her spine when the front door opened.

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