Darcy & Chester Part 1

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Chester's POV:

I walked into class. I looked around and saw Darcy.

Darcy was my best friend. She was truly gorgeous. She had light brown hair and soft features. She had perfectly straight teeth which made her smile even more beautiful.

I had liked Darcy since she moved here. I first showed her around the school and town, she quickly got popular and confident.

We always mess around with eachother in class, sometimes I think she likes me back.

Then I remember her boyfriend, Conner. Conner was a dickhead. She didn't see that, though.

Everyone loved Darcy, everyone hated Conner. It was simple, really.

I wish I could just man up and tell Darcy how much better I would be for her, but i'm scared. Not of what she will think, but of what Conner will do.

Conner is 6'4. He plays for the basketball team and is incredibly strong. I'm only 5'11, i'm pretty strong, but not strong enough to beat Conner.

I sat down next to Darcy, like usual. Conner wasn't in the same classes as us, so I didn't need to worry about losing my spot.

'Hey, Darcy,' I said nervously.

I wasn't nervous around her before I liked her. We could joke about and talk properly.

Now it's just meaningless small talk which will never make her like me. I wondered if Conner could have a proper conversation with her.

'Hi, Chester!' She said with a warm smile, 'how was the football match last night?'

'I uh... we lost...' I muttered, not wanting to sound pathetic, 'but, you know, your boyfriend played pretty well.'

'Really? From what I heard he got into a fight with your teammates,' she said, looking disappointed, 'you're okay aren't you?'

'I'm... yeah...' I got out a smile.

Why does she even like him? He is a wreck. He is mean to everyone, he doesn't even lov- like.. her as much as I do.

The bell rang and the class was dismissed. Conner was waiting outside of the class for Darcy. I sighed and walked out to my next lesson, when suddenly my collar had been grabbed and I was being lifted off my feet.

'Why are you talking to her?' Conner said, gritting through his teeth.

'Her? Who?' I muttered, scared and worried like the pathetic boy I am.

'You know who I am talking about. Darcy,' he rolled his eyes. There was nobody around us, everyone was already at their next lesson.

'I- shes my friend, you don't own her so stop acting like it!' I said with a sudden rush of confidence. Shit. What am I getting into?

Conner started to strangle me with his fist which he had previously been gripping my collar with.

'You be careful, Chester. You don't even know what I want to do to that girl,' Conner lets go of me and storms down the corridor.

My throat had red marks on it from his hand.

word count: 495

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