Darcy & Chester Part 3

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Darcy's POV:

I looked up at Chester and realised he was staring holes through Conner's head.

'What are you doing..?' I mumbled confused, my expression soft.

He didn't answer me. He just mouthed the words, 'twat,' towards Conner. He was clearly trying to wind him up, and it was working.

Conner shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked angry, but Chester didn't look scared.

'Ches, don't wind him up,' I said as I tried to hold in tears, Chester was going to get his ass kicked because of me.

Chester turned to me, as soon as he did his expression softened. He always did that. I liked it.

But my words didn't matter to him as he started to get up.

'Ches..' I started but he had already started walking towards Conner at the front of the classroom. The teacher was late and hadn't walked in yet.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what was about to happen.

'What the hell is your problem?' Conner asked annoyed, standing up and slightly shoving Chester.

'My problem? It's you and you're fucking attitude!' Chester said angrily, the rest of the class turned to face them and watched the scene unfold.

'Watch what you say, Chester!' Conner says, face getting hotter and redder by the second.

'I could say the same thing. Why the hell did you break up with Darcy? What has she done to you? Other than not fulfill your horny needs,' Chester says as he shoves Conner back, except he barely budges.

If this was a cartoon, there would be steam coming out of Conner's ears.

'It's like you want to get battered,' Conner says, shoving Chester so hard he falls over.

'Try.' Chester gets up and shows no fear, although I knew deep inside he was quaking. Anger had taken the best of him and I didn't want him to get hurt, but I also didn't want to stop him from standing up for himself.

'Back down, Chester. I don't want to do this infront of them!' Conner says, motioning to everyone in the class.

'Just admit you're scared!' Chester was now shouting. Conner couldn't hold in his anger, 'Aw, Conner the chick...'

Chester couldn't finish his sentence before Conner punched his face and he plummeted to the ground.

The class gasped, others cheered Conner on.

The teacher finally walked in and tried to stop the fight, but Chester had already gotten up and punched Conner to the stomach, winding him.

I got out of my seat, hurrying towards them but Conner had already hit Chester's jaw and knocked him unconscious. I crouched down to Chester and covered his face from Conner's harsh hits.

Chester did this for me and I wasn't going to let him get killed by Conner.

Chester's head was in my lap as I tried to wake him up. The teacher continued to shout at Conner while I shook Chester.

His eyes fluttered open and I hugged him tightly.

word count: 501

~romantic-short-stories~ 🌻Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz