The legend of Slenderman/Modus Operandi

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You are at the park, and in the distance, you catch a glimpse of this tall man in a dark suit. He is out of place, and you can tell something about him is just not right. He is unusually tall and oddly thin. His arms and legs are long and seem disproportionate to his body. He then turns and looks at you, and that is when you notice that his face is featureless.

The Slender Man (also known as Slenderman) is a supernatural creature with nebulously defined characteristics and abilities. Slender Man was first mentioned in Something Awful Forum's "Create Paranormal Images". He generally appears (in modern times) as a tall humanoid creature in a black or grey suit, red or black tie, and white shirt. His face is totally white, completely devoid of facial features. He has no hair, and generally has normal-looking bare hands, albeit with fingers longer and bonier than a typical human. Slender Man has been depicted in imagery and literature at anywhere between 6 and 15 feet tall, depending on the situation, though in video he is usually only around 6-7 feet tall. Because of his inexact nature, and differences between accounts, no one has yet determined what, exactly, the Slender Man is.

The natural habitat of the wild Slender Man tends to be in wooded areas, or by rivers. This is due to a connection he has with trees, although at this time, there is little information on that connection beyond its existence. Usually the woods will be foggy, because Slender Man likes to create a suitable atmosphere. He is not constrained to woods, and can appear anywhere (Including right behind you, in case you wanted to feel paranoid today. Hell, he could be right behind me, watching over my shoulder as I write, shaking his head with sadness at all the stuff I'm getting wrong. That is, if he can read.)

->Currently, there are two leading theories as to what the Slender Man may be: the Tulpa Effect and Quantum Theory.

Slender Man is a mystery. He looks like a human being, but doesn't act like one. It is uncertain if he is a social creature, understands human languages or behaviors, or even why humans appear to be his primary targets. It sometimes seems as if he is capable of possessing his targets in some cases. Slender Man's mere appearance provokes fear. This is partially due to his towering height and overall unnerving appearance, and partially due to his behavior, which is almost completely alien. Humans also find it extremely hard to describe The Slender Man: a description in words can be given, but often lack the ability to fully describe the creature. It is believed that Slender Man is from/exists on a fourth dimensional plane, which would account for some of his apparent abilities.

Modus Operandi

Slender Man's style is as a silent stalker. Always he is hiding, just out of sight, so that if a camera is on the person operating it usually doesn't pick up on his appearance until they view the recording later. He seems to have a pattern of stalking them in public, then tracking them down to their house, peering through the windows, and then eventually making his way inside. The ending...well, there's no definite ending, I think it's just one of those things where you're left to your own imagination. Usually involving disappearance.

It's still not known where he takes the victims...either he eats them or he takes them to his dimension, or... It could be anything. No one's ever come back to tell the tale, so it's assumed they either die or end up in a lifeless state, like anyone who ever endured the Dementor's kiss.

At some point, I'm guessing around the time he's found your house, he'll use the hypnosis to lure you outside. What he does one knows. I honestly can't vouch from my own experiences.

 †People who have studied things similar to Slenderman know that it is possible to carry subconscious knowledge of such a thing in the back of one's mind. There have been multiple times where it has been noted that people have some kind of notion or awareness that a being or entity that highly resembles Slenderman has existed.

This seems a frequent occurrence, both on an individual and a collective basis.

This often manifests itself as images resembling him, sometimes in dreams or simply ideas in the active imagination. These often occur long before the concept of who or what Slenderman actually is has been introduced into the mind from an outside source or influence. This makes the instances especially curious, as the same concept stemming from multiple people who have never been influenced is something to take notice of. This could point to the substantial existence of Slenderman in one way, the way some people are simply aware of other kinds of spirits in the backs of their minds when they are young yet still unable to interpret them. The fact that people have "seen" him in their mind's eye without knowing anything about theories explaining him, or even simply suggesting he exists, might imply that he has been around long enough to have made quite an impact on quite a few.

The number of Slender Man sightings has increased dramatically during the Twentieth Century. This is generally attributed to increased media coverage and access to news reports from around the globe.

There are many people that have talked about seeing the Slender Man. Some call him different names, he has even been called "an angel of darkness". Many think "he" is a shadow person. has tons of people writing about their experiences. Because of the fact that most do not believe, people in that forum say they can finally feel understood, after seeing that they are not alone.

 †Many may doubt of such being existing, which is reasonable. Yet it hasn't stopped many other with a morbid sense of curiosity such as myself from thinking it over and deciding to delve in and find out for themselves.


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