HIS Layers of Protection

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HIS Layers of Protection

 ♱These are not meant to discourage you from opposing the Slenderman (A/N: Like anyone's stupid enough to do so), but rather to inform you of what you're going to be up against so that you may take proper precautions and (hopefully) not do anything stupid.

→First, you need to consider the base levels of protection that it possesses. Let's address these as "Layers," of which there are three.


The Slenderman is capable of changing its shape. Twisting, stretching, and contorting itself beyond our feeble imaginations. Becoming taller, elongating his arms and/or legs, growing new limbs from seemingly nowhere. This is a pretty clear indicator of a physical make-up that is more like clay or... jello, than a truly solid substance.

As such, it is believed that its body could easily absorb and/or deflect any direct attacks, bouncing back from them as though HE hadn't even been touched. It's even plausible that HE could perform a form of rapid self-healing in the event that such a near-liquid body was punctured or cut.


When it's actually threatened by something, or perhaps just when motivated/annoyed enough to do so HE brings out the tentacles. These things serve multiple purposes and act as much as an offensive structure as a defensive one.

These things act primarily as a distraction, they draw the eyes with their constant, rapid movements. This makes it more difficult to maintain your aim when the target's body is constantly obscured and/or moving about. Additionally, they serve the obvious purpose of keeping you from getting anywhere near close enough to attack the first Layer directly. The number seems to vary, though I imagine that the more of a threat you are, the more you're going to see... until there are so many that they're the only thing you can see. (This is fucking scary to imagine)


Note the "s," plural. The Slendermans greatest weapon is, and has always been, its ability to affect the mind... through what can be assumed is some means of psychic activity. Perhaps one of the more frightening is the ability to make HIMSELF invisible to the human eye. As in, standing dead center in front of you in a wide open empty space and you still don't see anything.

Another instance is an apparent ability to stop an individual dead in their tracks. Causing the body to simply lock up and be either extremely difficult or damn near impossible to move. (A/N: Slenderman uses FEAR!) There may even have instances in which HE has taken control of the victim through use of this version, forcing them to move how he wants them to or perhaps just flinging them bodily across a room without actually touching them.

Yet another is the simple act of creating an actual physical barrier, which would react to those who encounter it and objects that strike it as an invisible wall. They stand as if to say, "You may go This Far, No Further." Effectively rendering any attempt to get near the Slenderman an effort in futility.

Then there's the Loop. And lastly, a perceptive element that can be applied on its own or in conjunction with any of the previously mentioned versions, is the Illusion. Just as HE can make himself invisible to your eyes, HE seems to be able to make other things just as transparent... and things that aren't there at all, suddenly very real. Another of his most powerful tricks, the ability to make you see, feel, or otherwise "experience" things that cannot possibly be happening to you. By manipulating your perception, it can make you believe anything it wants you to believe... or at least, it can try to

Each of these Layers is like a particular stage of a complex boss battle, in which you must find the weakness of each form before you can truly pierce at the heart of the beast. It would likely require a very well-coordinated group effort or else one extremely gifted individual, to bypass each layer simultaneously and actually strike a damaging blow against the Slenderman.

One last thing to consider, it wouldn't necessarily refer to this as a Layer, but it is an important factor to consider nonetheless when attempting to attack the HIM and bypass the Layers that comprise his defenses. And that thing is SPEED...

For something that stands around not doing a thing so often, the Slenderman is remarkably fast. This should be obvious enough while observing the movement of its slender appendages, but is not an immediately recognized fact in regards to the speed at which HE actually "Moves." This is probably misconception resulting from its nature as a still fixture, standing in place, silently observing.

The Slenderman is capable of actual teleportation, supposing rather that's its use of "the Path" accounts for its capacity to cross vast distances in short time spans. However, in regards to close range travel, HE is able to reposition himself at rapid speeds, almost the blink of an eye. Though reports of him "walking" are few and far between, there are documented cases which it, and the speed by which he flows across the ground has been noted as alarming. Henceforth, unless HE has chosen to fight you standing still, then piercing through each of those Layers is going to become increasingly more difficult.

NOTE: I'm not writing this so that Slender can be defeated and all that (ll-_-) I'm just including it here so that people would stop being foolish as to even TRY and ultimately get themselves killed. So unless those who oppose HIM manage to get themselves a weapon from HIS dimension, then good luck and defeating HIM ...

𓆩♱𓆪A/N: Information found in blogs and a quotev story i cannot find anymore.

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