Moon children

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Moon Children

"She has chosen us - and only us - to survive the upcoming apocolypsebecause we have honored Her and devoted ourselves to Her. As we workto enforce Her will, we grow together as a family and serve thegreater good. We are the Moon's Children." —Introduction,

The Moon Children was a cult consisting of several members ranging from early teens to young adults, and possibly older members. While active, they appeared to worship a moon deity of the cult's own making called Luna.

During Awakening, Abel revealed that the Moon Children was actually a front for the Eternity Project, which would use its members as test subjects in digitization research.


1998 or before

The Moon Children was founded in 1998 by Kelbris  as a front for the "Eternity Project", which aimed to allow the achievement of an immortal "enlightenment". The front was aimed at reaching disenfranchised youth as the primary bulk of their personnel. Kelbris claimed that he began to receive whispers from a deity he called Luna, which were said to detail how the world would end. It is stated this occurred when the cult was "still young", but how developed the order actually was at that point isn't elaborated upon. Kelbris was later found dead by electrocution; and whether he meant to or not, he had undergone ascension. Kelbris became close to deified after his death, posthumously honored as the cult's greatest prophet, whose teachings became the cornerstone of the cult's beliefs.

Now ascended, Kelbris became the entity later known as The Father, who himself had become a greatly revered figure within the cult by 2010.


Around this time, Ben  became involved with either the cult or someone in it. As a result, he became the subject of ascension on April 23. The method used in the ritual was drowning.

What was left of his consciousness, along with something else far more malicious, was contained inside of his copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and left in the care of an old man. The Father was also apparently sealed inside of the cartridge as well, for unknown reasons.


Jadusable acquired the haunted cartridge from the old man during his second year of college. BEN then began taunting Jadusable for several days, at which point Jadusable "woke up" The Father at the cost of his own life. BEN then 'escaped' the cartridge to the internet via Jadusable's online correspondence about his experiences with the cartridge. After BEN escaped, he dropped hints on Jadusable's YouTube channel that led users to, a newly-acquired website for use by the Moon Children.

The site showed that they intended to move in order to keep one or several former members out for an unknown reason. Among them was Alex, said to be the cult's greatest warrior. The first event users witnessed was the ascension of Nekko, which was unable to be prevented. Over the next few days, users had a hand in attempts to preventIfrit's and Rosa's  disappearances, both of which failed. Users also began helping Alex to escape, though the success of this attempt was left ambiguous.


By 2011, several missing or dead members of the Moon Children had been trapped inside Wayward Horizon, a hidden forum section on Within Hubris.


During the Awakening Arc, Sarah is given possession of the haunted cartridge and is charged by the sprit of Ben with freeing the Father's prisoners. Inside the game, she encounters the in-game Moon Children, who work to hinder her progress.

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