Terms for people in the Slenderverse

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Terms for people in the Slenderverse

→For those of you who aren't familiar, there are terms that are used for certain types of people in the Slenderverse.

Blind: People who have never heard or seen anything about the Slender Man. This term also includes people who have heard about Slender Man, but are not stalked by Him.

Fighters: They try to find ways of defeating Slender Man, often actively eliminating His human servants and allies on the way. They trigger the "fight" response in human. But they all struggle against Him.

Runners/Stalked: A person who survived the first assaults of Slender Man or managed to flee in time. They trigger the "flight" response in us. Runners are still haunted by Slender Man, but they learn how to escape HIM and HIS proxies properly to survive albeit not for long.

Agents/Servants: Since other terms have been established too, it's increasingly used for people who serve Him more or less out of their free will, be it due to fascination or blackmail. Those Agents are completely sane.

Changeling: those who have chosen Him freely. Some have called them Observers. They retain the most autonomy and can direct others even without Him. They embraced Him when he came for them. They are His favored children, His priests... His magi. They are very dangerous, not only because they have learned the meta-sciences (what people called magic) of the ancients from him but because they can direct Proxies and Hallowed in His name. They may speak in riddles like some Proxies, but never in gibberish.

Sleepers: People who are under control by Slender Man, but are not aware of that. They lead a usual life for most of the time and can never remember what they did under Slender Mans influence. While in Proxy mode, they act the closest to Hollowed, but can range to the sanity degree of Berserkers at least.

Touched: Some Agents/Servants too have chosen to be what they are because they are – albeit in a weaker form – Touched. Basically the term refers to having had close contact with Slender Man, used by Him to transfer sensations to the human being which are not fit for the human mind or oppressing their will with His own for a while. Being mentally touched by Him this way sooner or later is said to lead into insanity, although Slender Man seems to have a certain amount of control over how long it takes to transform a person from a Touched into a Taken.

Taken: A more recent and neutral term for Hollowed and maybe Berserkers. They are described as being thoroughly mad, only using their codenames for each other, obsessed with masks and stalking people. Andrew also mentioned something like possibly telepathic communication [A/N: think "hivemind"] between them, since they have been seen interacting with each other without exchanging words while clearly showing signs of conversation.

Berserkers: People who are under Slender Mans control, but do not depend on it to do something. They can still decide things on their own and if He gives them an order, they can do anything He does not forbid them to fulfill it. Thus while they're already quite mad and fanatic, they're still sane enough to be dangerous.

Hallowed/Hollowed: The term refers to people who have been carved out by their contact with the Slender Man, which more or less erased all of their own personality to make way for an almost zombie-like obedient servant. If they don't act like a much better disguised and quicker version of zombies, they show a fanatic obsession to Slender Man akin to religious fanaticism. They often communicate through codes and cryptic messages, sometimes having their personality post-Slender Man shining through. It's worth noticing that they are said to be unable to do even the simplest things necessary to stay alive when they are not on a mission for Him.

*When you become aware of Him either through watching videos or blogs, you become infected. Once infected, He will observe you. Stalk you. Break your mind. Once in His grasp he either makes you His servant or just plain kills you.

This is just a conjecture of how He makes someone Hallowed:

1.He stages their deaths (i.e. suicide) and paramedics will find no signs of life.

2.As long as it's not cremation, he "replaces" the body.

3.He will take you to who-knows-where. (yes this is plain kidnapping!)

Proxies/Slenderproxies: More often than not referring to everything but Agents/Servants. Proxies can best be described as victims of multiple personality disorder. For some reason known only to Him, SM chooses some broken little shard of his victims and impresses himself upon it. It retains enough of you to function in your place, but it is also a piece of Him. A lot of those notes and weird things that you find in rooms where no one could possibly have gotten in while you were sleeping? You wrote them.

Revenants: A kind of Proxy mostly known about in rumors. They are said to have risen in the hierarchy enough to obtain own powers akin to that of Slender Man, albeit not as strong as His. There are very few of them and since they are less expendable than other Proxies it is rather unlikely for a Runner/Fighter to come in conflict with one of them. Instead they seem to be used for organization purposes.

They are literally the undead- hard to kill and harder to keep that way, and they are absolutely insane if they have any memories of who they were at all. The only way to deal with a Revenant and hope that it doesn't come back is decapitation and cremation. They aren't vampires in the strictest sense, more like zombies, so a stake through the heart is just not going to do much more than tick it off. You may feel pity for such a creature, but it won't feel anything for you but hatred. It would be wise not to even attempt to reason with it.

More Terms for the Stalked:

Observer: A stalked that assumes a stance of study, whether of TPF itself, other stalkings, their own stalking or any number of related subjects. There is a tendency to experiment, or theorize inherent in the observer stance, as it seems to promote the acquisition of new knowledge, rather than mere indexing or collection.

Librarian: A stalked that assumes a stance of collection. This stance is often paired with that of the Observer, for obvious reason. The tendency is to discover, or rediscover and study existing knowledge, rather than to work to create new data.

Rabbit: A stalked that assumes a stance of retreat, as response to a stalking. Whether by external or internal pressure, a stalked may become incapable or unwilling to fulfill the fear dichotomy, and will neither flee in a conventional sense or fight. This stalked is more likely to adopt a form of high ground or asylum to fortify, and defend themselves from within it, rather than try to fight. Not to be confused with those participating in the 7 Trials.

Quarantine: A stalked that assumes a stance of withdrawal as a means of avoiding "infecting" friends or family with HIM. This stance often leads to the opposite as a Quarantined stalked may be assumed to be missing. Searches of their effects will almost inevitably lead to the discovery of notebooks or other vectors.

NOTE: Being transformed into a creature with gray skin, Azoth for blood and no sclera ain't a pretty sight. You will be stripped of all will and no soul. Just a living husk of meat. Undead. Because HE kills you before HE transforms you.

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