Chapter Four

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Breakfast and lunch passed on pretty quick. Jane was pleased that there was no mishap. She had rushed to her room, not wanting to cause any bizarre event between her family. Picking up the book she was yet to complete from her night stand, she began to read.

Jane loved reading. Papa had always bought her so many books on his trips to the big city. Her door opened with a loud bang, followed by a squeal. Emily, she smiled. "Hello dear sister" She dropped her book, swinging to look at the small brunette before her.

" Why did you not come down to welcome me?" Yes, it was still Emily she knew and had always known. Emily appeared more mature than before, perhaps it was her being a debutante and all. Sweet little Emily. The human in question fixated her with a glare.

"I trust you enjoyed London" Jane gave her a sweet smile. "It was wonderful"Emily plopped down on her bed in an unladylike manner. There goes the debutante. Jane thought with a grin. With large brown eyes and dark brown curls that could spill out a bonnet, Emily looked every inch of her mother.

" And your first ball?" Jane spared her a chuckle. " It was splendid," Emily giggled. " You should have been there, Oh! Jane, Mrs. Agatha was great in her work" "Mrs. Agatha is one of the best" Jane agreed. "And the Lady of Ashwood was marvellous," Emily chattered on. "Oh my! David was a gentleman" She was fanning herself now.

"David?" Jane lifted a brow. A blush crept up Emily's cheek. "He's the next Earl of Ashwood" She refused to meet Jane's eye. "I happened to meet his acquaintance at the ball". "Right " Jane rolled her eyes. "That makes him a gentleman". "Hush now" Emily tried to keep the blush out of her face,"at least I do not bury my nose in books" She snorted at the book in Jane's lap.

Emily, most times, never understood Jane when it came to men. "I'll go prepare for dinner" Emily rose. " I was hoping you'd make my hair". Jane adored Emily. She was the sunflower in her cloudy field. Cheerful and full of life. "Of course, I'll make your hair, dear sister".

Both girls made it in time for dinner, walking hand in hand, they greeted their parents with a kiss and sat down together. Soon, the whole family was eating. "I'm delighted to see you, Emily dear" Father said.

"I missed you all" Emily replied and began to fill her plate with Cook's delight. "Good gracious!" She exclaimed, " Cook has surely outdone himself". Suppressing a chuckle, Jane dug into her mashed potatoes. Emily will forever ever be Cook's favourite member of the household. " There's an issue you should be aware of, Emily" Her father broke the silence again.

"What is it, Papa?" She paused between a bite. Her tone worried. " We are not Jane's parents" Mr. James Miller exhaled. Emily's sweet face was crunched up confused as she gazed at both parents. " What your father mean, is that Jane is not our biological daughter" Beth clarified. Emily's fork clanged noisily on the plate. Jane stared at her plate.

"Is this true, Jane?" Emily turned. Jane nodded slowly. "But how?" Yes, how? Jane had always wanted to ask the Millers that same question. "She is Lord Hadley's" Her father started. " That insufferable old man" Emily screeched. This was getting too much for Jane. " Emily, manners, dear" Her mother cautioned. "Be bloody damned, Mother". " Emily!" Papa warned, "if you'll let me explain, I'm sure that Jane will also like to know ".

" Go ahead, Father" Jane gave her approval. "Long ago, Lord Hadley Eckhart came to us with a child, that was you Jane, saying that there was trouble at the Eckhart's estate, and you weren't safe" " Whatever the problem was, he did not say, only that we should keep you safe" Beth quipped in. 

"But how could we refuse? You were enthralling, and we loved you right from that moment" "You came to us when we had no child" There were unshed tears in both their eyes. " He could have been lying for all we know, Mama" Emily was relentless.

Yes, Lord Hadley hasn't exactly been a pleasant soul. There were neighbours, after all. But Jane still couldn't stomach the truth.

"If you'll excuse me" She stood up abruptly from the chair and fled the room. "Jane, wait" Emily's voice reached her before she could climb the stairs. "I'm so sorry". Jane gave Emily a weak smile. "It's not your fault, Emily" Both girls hugged each other. "We'll be alright" Jane breathed into her hair.

Whoops!😂There goes another chapter. I so much love Emily 🤭😂. What fiery spirit!😂. Vote and Comment guys😘. Love the Millers❤️.

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