Chapter Eight

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Jane found her new home unsettling. Sure, the estate was grand and all, but it felt lifeless. Her new bedchamber was larger than the one at the Miller's still it felt claustrophobic. The workers here seemed cold and placid, always awaiting instructions. Shaking her head, she joined Lord Hadley for dinner.

"Good evening, Jane" His voice reached her. "My Lord" She curtsied. "Have a seat" He gestured. Seating across from him, Jane picked her knife and took a bite of the food before her. Too bland. How did Lord Hadley enjoy this.

She realized how much she missed Cook. "So how are you finding your stay here?" Lord Hadley tried to converse.

"The housekeeper informed me about your health" He paused, "I hope you're feeling better now?". Jane dropped her fork. In all honesty, she had intended on avoiding Lord Hadley forever, hence the faked illness. "I'm quite well, my Lord" She replied. My Lord, not father.

She only had one father, and he was at a cottage miles away. "I shall call for a physician to be brought" Lord Hadley said. Jane almost choked on her food. She picked up a glass of water and drank from it. "I'm very much better" She appeared calm, "no need to trouble yourself" She flashed him a sweet smile.

"That's wonderful to hear" He commented. "Do let me know if you have any troubles here". Jane nodded. Of course, he'd be the last person she'd turn to if she ever encountered a problem. But he didn't need to know that.

"I assume the house isn't to your taste and liking" Her father seemed to be in thought. Jane held back a sigh. How exasperating can he be? She did not appreciate his small talk.

Nevertheless, she spared him a glance. "You could always redecorate it to your liking" He hinted. For Jane, she didn't want to go through the hurdles of redecorating a house. She wasn't a lady of the ton. She was just her. Just Jane.

"I shall visit the gardens and library, my Lord" She informed him. "The library?" Lord Hadley queried, "I never knew you loved to read". How could he when she grew up in another family? "I do" She tried to be polite.

Both continued with their meal. Only the clattering of forks and knives were heard. " You haven't said anything about my mother" "Is she here in our town?" Jane did not want to think her mother dead. Lord Hadley avoided her question, purposely.

Instead, he said, "I shall be visiting my friend's son, the new duke of Heartland tomorrow" and bade her goodnight. Jane held back a sob. Slowly, she finished her dinner and made her way to the library, insistent on drowning her sorrows in a book. Maybe, she could find a novel to her liking.

The library was fascinating and also, did serve the purpose of distracting her thoughts. Running her fingers through the books on the shelf, she found a book.

Peering at the hard cover book, she knew she was going to love this one. Finding a love seat, she settled into it and began to read.

Well into night.

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