Chapter Nine

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Edward had just finished having a meeting with his family's lawyer when his butler announced Lord Hadley's arrival. "Have him wait in the drawing room and let refreshments be brought to him" He informed the man.

"Accept my condolences, Your Grace" The lawyer bowed. "That'll be all, Mark" Edward led him out of the study. "Greetings, my Lord" Edward's solicitor bowed upon seeing Lord Hadley. "How do you do?" The lord in question offered him a handshake.

"I'm well, my Lord". He answered. "Your Grace" Lord Hadley turned to Edward. "Good morning, Lord Hadley" Edward motioned for him to sit. "I trust your journey was pleasant".

"I travelled well indeed, my Lord" Lord Hadley replied. "I'll see you soon, Your Grace" The solicitor bade him goodbye. "My Lord" He turned to Lord Hadley. "I implore you not to leave soon, Mr. Mark" Lord Hadley halted him. The young lawyer was quizzed but sat down on the chair.

"I received your letter, Lord Eckhart" Edward started, "what was it you so wanted to discuss" Edward was trying to hide his dislike for the old man. The old Lord readjusted himself on the couch.

"The late duke of Heartland", he began, "your father, God bless his soul was my best friend. "I'm aware of your ties and connections" Edward drawled in a sour tone.

Lord Hadley knew Edward had no iota of like toward him. He knew of the situation between both father and son so he ignored the young duke's sourness.

"I'll be straightforward" He said instead, " your father and I had an agreement that both our children will be joined in marriage to seal our friendship bond"

Edward was lost for a minute. Perhaps he had misheard the man. Marriage? "I seem not to get you, My Lord". "Your Grace, you and my daughter will be married". There, that word again. Marriage.

What in the world was his father thinking? Did he hate him that much to tie him down to a woman in the name of marriage? But again, he wasn't aware Lord Hadley had a daughter.

He never cared anyway what went on in the two friends' life. And neither did he care about what horseshit the men had cooked up. He wasn't marrying anyone, and that includes Lord Hadley's daughter. If he truly had one. He made this clear to the man.

"I'm not marrying your daughter or anyone, My Lord" He said in a stern, clear voice. His solicitor was unpleasantly quiet. Did he know about this? Edward wondered.

"My apologies, Your Grace" The man said quietly, "I must've forgotten to mention this during our meeting". " But the late duke and Lord Eckhart here did sign a contract that you shall marry his daughter". Edward blinked.

"Did you manipulate my father into this?" He threw an angry glare at Lord Hadley. "I beg your pardon". Edward had enough. "Leave!" He roared. "Out the door, both of you" He thundered. Both men rose slowly, leaving the young duke to his anger.

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Of love and deceit حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن