Chapter Six

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Emily paced about her room. She could not believe that unbearable old Lord. She huffed while wishing Jane to be in good spirits. Exhausted by her pacing, she sat on her couch, gazing at the fireplace, and reminisced her childhood with Jane. Jane had always been the mysterious one, though she often gave into Emily's childhood tantrums.

Emily had a perchance for trouble and Jane was always her saviour in shining armour. She could vividly recall how she had fallen and broken her arm while climbing a tree. Jane had forbidden it, but Emily was not one to be deterred from having an adventure. Jane was aghast when she found out and had stayed at her bedside until she recovered.

Brushing the feeling of nostalgia off, she went searching for her beloved sister because this might be the last time they saw each other ever again. She found Jane in the drawing room. All her belongings were packed and were being moved to Lord Hadley's awaiting carriage. Papa and Mama were present. So this was goodbye, Emily reasoned.

"Do you mind walking with me?" Emily was trying not to get all teary-eyed. Jane held out her arm to her and together, they strolled to their little garden.

It has been their favourite part of the house. Jane would sit at the huge maple tree reading one of her books.

"Remember when we hid out here when we were little?"Emily prompted. Jane chuckled. "Quite clearly" She said, "the nanny would chastise us, saying, we always ruin our dresses.

"I miss her" Emily smiled. "Me too" Jane returned the smile, " even though she was grumpy". "Could you blame her?" Emily suppressed a smirk, "we were a handful back then".

Broaching the subject of Jane leaving was really hard for Emily. "You're leaving" She blurted out unconsciously.

"Forgive me, Emily, you know how much I love it here" Jane took her hand. "I wish to remain here with you, Mama, Papa, Cook, everyone " She spread out her arm, gesturing, "but alas! I must go to my father's". A titter.

"The contract is legally binding, and I would rather not cause any trouble for our parents" Jane gave her a sad grin. The young brunette burst into tears and Jane held her, afraid of letting her slip away.

The housekeeper came to inform her that it was time to go. Sniffling, Emily wiped her tears with the hem of the sleeve of her gown. "I'll miss you Jane" She let out a hicup. "We'll never stop writing to each other" Jane squeezed her hand, fondly.

Inside, the whole household had gathered to bade Jane farewell. "We love you, Jane" Beth touched her curls, "always". Papa hugged her. Emily knew Jane had forgiven them. She hugged Jane tightly, letting a tear escape from her eye. "Happy birthday" she whispered, "You'll always be my sister".

Jane's eyes had turned misty. "Thank you" she whispered back. The driver of the carriage helped her in. She muttered a thank you. The horses got into motion, and slowly they were leaving the cottage. Jane turned to look at the place she would forever call home one last time.

Yup! Here goes another. Thanks guys for the support so far🧡. Do continue to vote, comment and share☺️. Love y'all😚.

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