Chapter - 4

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Sooha's POV

I was in a classroom taking a special class throught online with Harin beside me, Yeondoo and Yerim on the right side and DoAh and Dayeon on the left.

I caught Dayeon looking at her phone,she looked annoyed, probably cause of her older sisters.

You see, her family isn't perfect and I would rather drop dead than living in her house
where you are not allowed to make any mistake,even a small one.Or you get beat up daily.Kim Dayeon probably got her personality from her evil psycho father.

But that's not my problem,is it?Nah.When is this boring lesson gonna end.Ugh.


Finally,the class end.I was on my way to our classroom,2-5.When I saw Dayeon and her lackeys go out with Joo Seungyi, aish now she even picked on Grade D's? Whatever,
not my problem.I never like Seungyi that much anyways.

I was about to get inside the classroom when I noticed that my bracelet was missing,I probably left it in the other room.

I went back to the classroom to go get it,
"Here it is." I said and leave the room,since it was still pretty early I decided to wander around the school.

I went outside to see Harin and Sooji talking, I quickly hid but stay near them to hear what they're saying, don't ask me why.
I just find Sung Sooji interesting.

"They are vitamin supplements.Want some?"
"No, thanks.Did you know?I heard Kim Dayeon is the youngest daughter of QB Group."
"Oh,You didn't know? There are a lot of special ones in our class."
"Can I ask you another question?I have no one to really talk to in our class."
"Of course.What is it about?"
"Who do you think made this game?No.
Why do you think they even made a game like this?"
All I see and answer is Harin's intense stare
"Am I the only one that's curious?What if...
What if you were the one that came up with this game?With what reason would you made this game?"
"Because it's fun."
Fun my ass.What is this wench saying?
"The eyes that look at you when you were getting harrassed.Haven't you ever wanted to dig them out?The look in their eyes when they see a Grade F,I bet they're clueless about it,I want to dig them and show their eyes to them.Hah,they won't be able to see without their eyes,will they?Then they will never know,I find that so funny and entertaining.If I really meant that as the maker,that would be horrifying,right?
"Haha,That sounded like a psychopath,It gave me chills.I did some thinking,why me?
There's Myoung Ja Eun too.Is the transfer student in Grade F, to be trampled down on from the start?"
"I'm not sure.But Sooji,it's not your fault"
Harin said and left.why is she so obsessed with its not your fault? Annoying.

Shoot class almost starts.

Sooji's POV.

I went to class after a creepy conversation with Harin.I was thinking of a way to persuade Myoung JaEun.Just as I went inside the room I was slap in the shoulder by Pyo Ji Ae.

"Hey.What is wrong with you?How can you just disappear when it's recess? Don't you know we're the ones to suffer because of you?Because of you and JaEun,Seungyi...
will you take responsibility if we suffer instead of you?"She shouted angrily, I looked over to see that Dayeon,Wooyi,
Seolha and Seungyi's seats were empty.

But why is it my fault?"Are you insane?" I shot back."What?"she shouted."Why would I do that for you?" I pushed her by the shoulder,

"You hate it as much as I do.But must I wait in line to be harrassed and beaten up?Why would I do that just to keep you guys safe?"I yelled back."You're in Grade F!"she shouted."You're lower than us.Get in a higher grade if you have a problem with that."she continued."Yah Pyo Ji Ae!" I shouted making the whole class turned to us.

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