Chapter 1 🍃

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Xu Qing stared at his reflection in the shimmering water, his mind filled with a mix of confusion and acceptance. The face that stared back at him was worn and emaciated, marked by a red mole between the eyebrows, a symbol of the gers in this world. Pimples covered his face, making the mole faintly visible.

It was a strange realization for Xu Qing. He was no longer the original Xu Qing, but rather a version of himself from a modern, post-apocalyptic world. He had been in this new world for five days now, experiencing a range of emotions. Happiness surged within him, grateful for the chance to live again. But fear also gripped his heart, knowing that he had no place to call his own once the original Xu Qing returned. These past few days, he had lived with a constant sense of worry. It was a surreal feeling, truly starting anew.

In his previous life, Xu Qing was an orphan. He had just graduated from college, ready to embark on a journey of finding a job, navigating the complexities of society, and giving back to the orphanage that had raised him. But then, the apocalypse struck, unleashing hordes of zombies upon the world. Xu Qing fought hard to return to the orphanage, hoping to find his former companions, but his efforts were in vain. The orphanage lay in ruins. In his quest for survival and to reunite with his comrades, he joined a team. And by a stroke of luck, he discovered his spatial ability, earning him a valuable position within the group. No longer useless, he played a crucial role in gathering supplies. But fate had other plans. Xu Qing and his teammates were separated, and he found himself lost in a sea of zombies. The rest, as they say, is history.

Interestingly enough, the original Xu Qing was also an orphan. His parents had passed away a few years ago, leaving him with no other relatives. Xu Qing felt a sense of relief, knowing that he no longer had to worry about being exposed. However, the sight of his pimple-covered face, earning him the title of the ugliest ger in the village, brought him a toothache of insecurity.

The villagers had dubbed the original Xu Qing as "the ugly one." To distance themselves from the rest of the village, his parents had chosen to build their house at the foot of the mountain. It was a solitary dwelling, a ten-minute walk from the village's edge.

Apart from a few memories of his parents, the original Xu Qing's recollections were hazy at best. He had little knowledge of the people in the village or the outside world. Years of being labeled as ugly had left him with an inferiority complex, causing him to withdraw from society. He had never played with other children or ventured into the market. His life was confined within the walls of his home.

Xu Qing couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pity for the original Xu Qing. He gently touched the red bumps on his face, a constant reminder of the torment this body had endured. Despite the physical challenges, Xu Qing believed he had struck a good deal. However, as he gazed at the red mole between his eyebrows, mirrored on the water's surface, a wave of complex emotions washed over him. According to the original Xu Qing's memories, his father was a strong man, and his mother was a ger with a red mole between her eyebrows. Gers, unlike men, had the ability to give birth. In this world, there were only two genders - men and gers - with no women to be found.

Although Xu Qing had an attraction towards men, the idea of giving birth or engaging in such activities was completely unacceptable to him. He stood up, straightened his worn-out cyan-colored garment, and made his way back towards the clay house located at the base of the mountain, not far from the river. As he arrived home, he glanced back at the distant river, its waters flowing from the mountains behind the house towards the village in the south. The village was known as Xingfu village and consisted of over 50 households, excluding his own. Xingfu village was situated between Jixiang village and Anle village, and it was common for the gers and men in the village to marry individuals from these three villages.

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