All Eyes On Us

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What happened to us? Where did those true smiles, that laughter and pure joy go to?

To say they were more scared now than before, would be an understatement. They knew they were acting suspicious in the interview, even the host pointed it out. Anything could happen. It was true. Whilst the whole world feared that they were still out there, they feared Ellissworth was still out there and after them. The worst part is, they were both true.

Ellissworth, however, had plans. She wasn't just gonna go and start spreading the true rumors that Stray Kids are the Peculiars, of course she wasn't. She was far too smart for that. She had to get their attention, let them know she was coming and know that she knows who and where they are. She was going to scare them, without giving them enough time to prepare so she can expose them to the world.

Hyunjin and Felix sat there in the practice room, hesitant to start their instagram livestream they had planned to do that morning. They had free time together that day to spend time with their fans virtually.

"Are you gonna turn it on or...?" Hyunjin spoke impatiently, stretching out his legs and arms in his position on the hard wooden floor.

Felix, who was knelt before the camera he had linked up to his and Hyunjin's phones, hesitated to turn it on. "Isn't this kinda risky?" He replied, turning to look at Hyunjin with a concerned and anxious look in his eye.

"Not as risky as it would be if we just stopped communicating with STAY at all. If we just cut ourselves off after our reaction in that interview last week, people would definitely think we're the Peculiars!" He explained, sliding fingers through his hair to hide the white and red colour that started to seep through. Hyunjin reached into his pocket and pulled out his personal gum tube, it was a tube with H.J.S.H (Hyunjin 'Sam' Hwang) on it and pieces of his special type of gum. Each of the members had their own, flavoured and specialised to the individual.

"Sam... you do realise we are the Peculiars? Right...?" Felix teased, knowing how much Hyunjin hated being called his English name.

"Don't call me that!" Hyunjin whined, flicking ice cold hail at the back of Felix's head. The Australian merely wiped it off with an 'Oi!', completely unbothered at the elder's annoying antics. "And, yes. I do know that! I don't just have a bucket of hail beside me at all times to flick at your head, Felix."

"And we are..." Felix clicked a few buttons before shuffling back so he was beside Hyunjin, "Live!"

"Hi STAY!" Hyunjin smiled, watching as the number of viewers increased and the comments were flooded. He had his phone in his hand, trying to process the influx of information coming at him as he looked at the screen.

The majority of the comments were along the lines of; 'OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS!' or 'HYUNLIX!'. Hyunjin and Felix were both well aware that they were shipped together a lot by their fans, they kind of just gave up on caring. Not to say that they haven't tried dating or actually being together. They had and they just realised that they didn't feel that way for one another. They still, however, carried on with fanservice and all that stuff just like Minho and Jisung did, in order to make their fans happy.

They interacted with their fans for a while, reading the comments that were mostly all the same.

Until a few odd comments showed up. Odd, in the case that there was a word they knew far too well placed in the questions. Was this Stays being curious after the previous interview disaster or... something else?

They didn't really notice them, or the ones they did notice they just completely ignored. Which was extremely reasonable, yet what they didn't know was there was an infuriated woman sitting in an office with her laptop open watching them ignore the comments she had set bots to post under their livestream.

Ellissworth was sitting on her creepy ass rocking chair that Felix could remember being forced to sit in and make flower crowns for hours on end at like eleven years old. She stared dead into the screens before her, a few computer monitors and her laptop. She never played it chill.

After around 20 more minutes passed and the K-pop stars hadn't acknowledged or probably even noticed the various 'Peculiar' questions that were appearing on their phone screens. Ellissworth was getting mad out of her mind, she found herself frustrated yet determined after her first plan had come to a fail.

She set the bots to stop posting the comments and merely found away to quickly hack into Hyunjin and Felix's devices and without their fans knowing.

Meanwhile, sat as comfortable as they could get on the hard floors of their dance practice room, Felix and Hyunjin were watching the comments and looking up to interact every few moments. They had both lifted their heads to pose for a fan that had requested the action, doing a heart pose above their heads together.

When they looked down, both phone screens were pitch black. Both screens suddenly glitched before showing a plain, grey and static screen with two words across it. 'Found you'. They both knew who it was immediately, not even thinking that it could've been stalker fans or haters. No, they knew who it was behind this. Eliza Ellissworth, yet again.

Felix lifted his head to give a worried look to Hyunjin, who did the same. They gave eachother a nod of agreement for their next steps before Felix looked to the camera with a false but believable smile.

"Sorry STAY! We're gonna have end the live early as we are needed somewhere now!" They both waved, Felix then turned the camera completely off and turned back to Hyunjin.

"She's figured it out." Hyunjin spoke, his eyes turning a bright orange with burnt away into a red as he transformed into his Peculiar form. "We're done for!" He shoved his head in his hands, fire emitting from the very tips of his fingers and shooting into the air. The flames soon faded though, when he looked up to Felix (who had also turned back to his Peculiar form).

"We'll be just fine, Sam." Felix had an unreadable emotion that was probably anger rising behind his green eyes. "We're the fucking Peculiars."'

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