Nothing can go wrong

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Peculiar and stressed, sums up life.

"Felix." Chan said, trying to grab the panicking male's attention (and failing.) "Felix."

Felix was pacing back and forth anxiously backstage that evening, with 20 minutes before their concert began and no idea of what was to come. The atmosphere was... intense. Stray Kids had been acting far too suspicious, Ellissworth knew where and who they were and Felix had an odd feeling of someone knowing too much. To top it all off, Seungmin had been avoiding everyone and that always meant he knew something was going to go wrong. He couldn't handle the stress.

"Felix! Chill!" Chan laughed, grabbing Felix by the arms and pulling him towards where he was sat. Chan looked up at Felix, rubbing his hand against the younger's arm soothingly. "It's gonna be fine."

"How'd you know? Seungmin hasn't spoken to us in a day, meaning he knows something bad. Ellissworth knows where we are and if she exposes us we can't defend ourselves because we've acted way to weird about this recently too! And my plants, I helped someone the other day. Somehow, someone was near my plants and I helped them without realising. A girl, I think from what I can feel but I don't know if she had good intentions."

"Lix. First, we'll be fine. Seungmin does this sometimes anyway. Secondly, we'll be fine. Thirdly, She must've had good intentions for you to help her. It'll all be okay." Chan attempted to reassure the stressed Aussie and luckily succeeded. "Now, it's nearly time to give it our all for STAY not for anyone else."

"Yeah." Felix smiled, listening to a staff member call out '5 minutes!' to signal their cue. Chan stood up, pecked Felix's cheek (which left the younger as a blushing mess) and headed over to where they were needed. Felix followed soon behind, shoving the nerves, fear and anxiety deep down to 'where the dead plants lay' as he would put it.

"You ready?" Seungmin spoke, stretching and bouncing his legs to hype himself up. They were stood on the platform they would be lifted up onto the stage with.

Felix ignored the question, "What do you know that you aren't telling?"

"Now isn't the time, Felix." Seungmin replied, just proving Felix's assumptions further.

"Now is more than the time!"

"Felix, stop stressing!" Minho rolled his eyes, as they were lifted onto the stage. None of them understood what Felix was so scared of, well Seungmin did but wouldn't speak of it.

Seungmin wouldn't dare scare the members by telling them about his premonition of the performance ahead of them. He had seen almost an insight into their near future and knew damn well it wouldn't go well if they were told about it. Who even knows if it was accurate?

Well Seungmin did. When he made eye-contact with the woman he hoped to never see again in his life and who he hoped wouldn't actually be there. When he locked eyes with Ellissworth he nearly froze to the spot, that cold stare sent a familiar feeling through his entire body. The feeling was an old friend visiting, one he didn't want to have visit. The feeling was pure, strong terror. He was terrified of that woman. It didn't matter if he was twenty-three or seven years old. He was terrified of her.

He tried to direct his attention to the songs, to STAY and the performance and he managed to do just that. Until Felix tapped him on the shoulder during 'Topline'. Shit.

"I'm guessing fucking Ellissworth being here is what you fucking knew. Isn't it?" Felix whispered, sharply into Seungmin's ear. He held his mic behind his back, making sure they couldn't be heard.

"Just ignore it and ignore her." Seungmin whispered back, trying to make sure they didn't look too suspicious.

"How am I supposed to? And that girl beside her, she was near my old plants and they... I like helped her and I can't tell if she has good intentions or not..."

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