A Story Worth Telling

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This is the story of eight Peculiar boys, a story that should only be told right

After 3 weeks of working hard, editing, talking, thinking, stressing and being pretty darn Peculiar, the documentary had finally been completed and ready to be shown to the world. They had also put together the album which, in Rory's opinion, was the best album she'd ever heard. Minho and Changbin had, after spending about a week being inseperable, decided to give themselves the label of 'boyfriends' and they also soon discovered they weren't the only ones who had done that. Seungmin and Jeongin had revealed to the others that they'd been dating for a year in secret when Changbin and Minho told everyone about themselves. Minho ended up walking in on Hyunjin and Jisung doing things he wishes he never saw and assumed Chan and Felix were kinda gay too (they were, very gay). They also remained hidden from the media until they posted teasers to their documentary on Instagram the night before they released said documentary.

"I'm so nervous." Jisung spoke, his eyes glowing and sparks tingling from his fingertips calmly as he almost played with the energy. "What if it doesn't work?"

Felix, who was sat on the floor opposite the male in the practise room, replied: "You sound like me, it'll be fine."

"And you sound like your boyfriend."

"Yeah, I do sound like Chan don't I?" Felix said, sheepishly fiddling with a daisy chain he had made in his hands.

"You really do." A familiar voice echoed into the room, Chan's voice. When Felix and Jisung looked up they expected to find the male walking in but instead Felix just felt a cat crawl into his lap. A cat with an aura that told Felix enough to know it was his lover. He purred softly in his lap before transforming back to the man easily recognisable as Chan. "Sorry, I just felt like meowing."

"That's not weird at all..." Jisung muttered, a jokingly disturbed look on his face.

"I believe the word is Peculiar?" Jeongin appeared beside Jisung's side.

"Oh god Kylo! Every damn time!" Felix jumped at the sudden appearance of the male, as he always did.

"Sixteen years and I still freak the shit out of you guys!" The youngest practically cackled, almost doubing over in laughter.

"It really isn't that funny Ky. Anyways, what's up?" Jisung rolled his eyes, redirecting the topic of conversation.

"We've gotta release a documentary?"

"Oh yeah, we do" Chan exclaimed, before quickly realising something. "Wait... were you stood there the entire time?"

"Of course I was, I was waiting for Hyunjin to message me." Kylo said, like it was so completely obvious (because to him, it was). "Are you guys coming or..."

They all went running out the door and through the halls towards the room set for them to watch the documentary the moment it got released, quickly getting into their places and sitting comfortably on the couches they had in the room. They looked up at the screen, watching the numbers count down.












Our Peculiar Ways

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