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I toss and turn in my large bed, soon laying still as I listen to the sound of the air conditioning. The air is cold on my face, and I stare blankly at my white ceiling. A sudden urge of motivation shoots through me, and I sit up quicker than I should've. I slowly check the clock, flipping it down as I read the numbers. "7:26 a.m.,"

Today is going to me a crazy day. I stand up from my bed, opening the left side of my closet. I grab out my tight black jumpsuit, gulping as I pull out my gloves, mask, and boots. I lay it on my bed and slowly get dressed in my leather outfit before walking to my full-length mirror, staring at myself sadly. The last time I wore this outfit, I murdered a brown haired teenage girl. I pull my hair into a slicked back ponytail, frowing at my ripped glove.

I sigh sadly, pulling open my door before walking down to the takeoff corridor. How hard could it be to kill my family? I think of what Miss Charlotte said, "Don't kill them. There is a lot more going on than you think. You may be killing the wrong people." She acted weird. She seemed hesitant. It was all off..

I step into the launch room, a scrawny boy staring at me angrily. "Fuck ya want?" He glares.

"To leave, duh. I need to finish my tasks." I nod confidently, grabbing guns of off the large shelves. I pull three knives and hide them around my suit, stepping out the departure area, before I am stopped harshly.

Mr. Martin stands in the doorway, frowning harshly. "I don't think you should do this, Ama-"

"No way you're siding with all of them too!" I cut him off, only getting angrier by him saying this to me. "Use your brain! This is the only way." I sneer.

Mr. Martin stares at me with a disappointed frown, nodding. "You can't cry to us when you regret it."

I shake my head, giving him a dirty look. "I won't. And if I do, you'll comfort me anyway." I mumble.

He scoffs, "Maybe I will. It depends on how bad you make this." He mumbles. What does that even mean? I'm so confused.. Ugh.

I roll my eyes, "Why not get me out of it? You've done that before." I frown.

Mr. Martin shakes his head, "I can't get you out of this one." He whispers.

What does that mean? What is this? Why is everyone acting weird? Why is everyone so stuck on me not doing it? They push me and tell me to, and then the moment I actually do, they get defensive. What?

My eyes widen at this, and before I can respond, he shoves me into the departure area, shutting the door behind me. I stumble into the area, taking in the giant trees and blazing sun. Uhm, okay..?

I walk to the sets of guards in tents, knocking on the wooden sign attached to the cotton door. "Agent Snaire. Ready for departure."

"Ahh." The guard huffs. "Car six. Agent Hayze will come with you, as you are both in the area." He frowns, handing .e the ear pieces for Hayze and I. I don't even know who Hayze is?

I walk down to car six, pulling open the heavy door with a shocked expression. Oh... Oh my god.

The said boy named Hayze turns to greet me, shaking hands as I sit down in the seat. "Aw, I thought you wouldn't make it, Amara Snaire!" He grins maniacally.

I just nod, turning to face the window and not him. I recall the picture of Camilla and that boy, now realizing Hayze was the boy sitting next to her. "Why were you with Camilla." I stare at him anxiously.

"How do ya think we get pictures? She's so paranoid. I had to distract her for them, but good news! I got paid 12k and a visit with my family. Surprise, surprise, she actually didn't mention you even once! God, it must suck to be forgotten." He chuckles, relaxing as if it's all a joke. Is he mental?

I just glare and ignore him completely, turning to the other side of the car.

Hayze laughs quietly, "Guess who I get to kill?" He smirks, fiddling with the small knife shoved in his pocket.

I turn my full attention to him, frowning at his creepy smile. What the fuck? He has got be crazy, totally, and mentally unwell. "Who?" I question coldly.

He just giggles more, leaning forward to grab my chin harshly. I attempt to pull away, but he only grabs and pulls me harder. "Oh, no, no. No getting away.." He smirks.

I shudder under his intense look, now staring deep into his very dark gray eyes. I gulp nervously, and my anxiety begins to spike.

"I have to kill... a little old Fawn. Remember her by chance, Amara..?" He smiles crazily, leaning in even closer. "I heard you two were close.."

My eyes nearly bulge from my head as Fawn's name rolls so casually off his tongue, and my hands begin to shake with anxiety. I pull away desperately and stare at him with tears in my eyes. "Don't you dare fucking touch her." I demand, my fists clenching. Fawn. No. She deserves better... She can't. Her sister, her mom, her dad, her life.

He smiles almost innocently, pouting like a baby. "Poor baby Fawnie escaped.. Now she has to die." He fake frowns, pretending to wipe fake tears.

"You won't get to her." I declare, staring at him.

All he does is giggle, flailing as he laughs. "Yes, I will! She'll be dead before you can find her!" He laughs crazily.

"STOP FUCKING LAUGHING!" I scream at him, grabbing his shirt as I lean in closely to him. "IT'S NOT FUNNY! IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY! IS KILLING PEOPLE A FUCKING JOKE TO YOU?!" I scream shakily, my face heating up with anger.

He stares at me with a shocked expression, the color draining from his face. "Y-you're crazy!" He begins to sob, pulling a tissue from his suit to wipe his nose on.

I stare at him angrily, "I'M CRAZY?! I'M FUCKING CRAZY? NO, YOU'RE INSANE!" I scream loudly at him, my fists closing tighter.

He stops crying suddenly, wiping his tears before a smile appears on his face. "You're too angry.." He pouts.

What the fuck. He was just sobbing! What is happening right now..

"Chill." He states, pushing his hair back with a grin. "Almost there.." He smiles, tapping at an invisible clock.

I grab onto the knife attached to my belt, holding it tightly. "You can't kill her." I state coldly.

He chuckles. "Oh, yes. Yes, I can." He nods, grabbing out a map as I lunge at him and stab straight into his arm

He begins screaming, trying to reach for his own knife. I pull out my own, shoving it deep into now his leg. He continues screaming and crying, begging for me to stop. I don't, I continue stabbing him repeatedly until I don't even recognize him.

A small smile appears on my face as I begin to calm down, no guilt filling my head. I climb off of his body, staring at the road ahead. Okay.. not a good start.

The self driving car begins slowing down near a familiar house, and I gulp out of anticipation. I've got this.

And as Camilla stares outside her window curiously, I become sick. My sister wouldn't want to see a maniac killer..

I collect myself again, huffing. I've got this!

Or do I?

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a/n: ignore how she brutally killed him :33. THANK YOU



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