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As I finish dumping Hayze's body into the large lake, I wipe my hands anxiously and rush away from the large rocky terrain. The cold wind slams against my face, and I shiver in just my jumpsuit. I sigh sadly as I slowly make my way back to Camilla's house. 

I start to get nervous as I inch closer to the house, sneaking around as the darkness of the tress fades behind me. The wind continues to blow harshly, someone's wind chime slamming loudly, echoing off of their brick balcony. I jump suddenly, a large doberman banging against a chainlink fence. It barks harshly, snarling at me as I walk to the front of Camilla's house. I sigh anxiously and walk to the front door.

Here goes nothing. Play dumb. I knock three times on the door, like we did as kids. Here we go..

"Oh! Coming Kaid! One sec.. Debbie got out aga-" She opens the door, harshly halting her words with an insanely shocked look. She stares at me up and down, gulping.

I stare at her codly, taking in her mature features. "You should know to not answer for strangers." I nod, looking back into the house I had already seen at least 10 pictures of.

Camilla steps back slowly, taking in my voice. "You.. are an agent.. a killer.." She gapes, and I notice her hands shaking. Is she afraid of me?

My eyes narrow at her, "What do you expect? Are you expecting a happy life forever. No problems? Get a grip, Camilla." I sneer.

She blinks back tears, shaking and stepping back as I step closer to her. "G-get.. o-out.." She stutters.

"Why, Cam? I thought all family was welcome." I point to the sign hanging on the door, inching closer to her.

She only begins shaking more, a small panic washing over her. "Get out. We aren't family. I dont even know you!" She stutters again, more fiercely this time.

I only grin slightly, "Why are you scared of me? I never hurt you. I sacrificed myself for you." I chuckle dryly, staring at her eyes.

She shakes her head firmly, "Mom told me what you and dad did. You ruined the family. You and your crazy team with guns.." She stammers.

I ruined the family? I stop in my tracks, staring at her coldly. "I got shot in the leg for you." I glare harshly.

She stares at me confused, as if she doesn't even know who I am. Her eyes begin to water, and she falls back onto the floor. "You ruined this family.. you murderer!" She shouts.

I scoff, "Jesus. What did mom brainwash you with?" I laugh dryly. I look at the clock to the left, nodding to myself. "Kaiden should be here soon. What a nice welcome home gift, don't you think?" I smile warmly.

"No, no. You have to leave. You'll ruin everything." Camilla starts, her tears starting to fall even harder. "How do you even know when he comes home? Oh god, oh god." She begins to break down.

I shake my head, shutting the door behind me. "Poor Camilla. So confused, aren't you?" I sigh.

Camilla squeezes her eyes shut, "If you're going to kill me, just do it already.." She begins to sob, clutching her sundress.

Something changes in me as that rolls off her tongue, making my stomach ache. "Camilla... I-" I stop myself, recollecting my feelings. "I'm glad you're so welcoming to that idea." I cough out.

Camilla's head shoots up, and she senses the hesitation in my voice. "You don't want to, do you?" She questions, wiping some of her tears that continue to fall.

I glare at her, "I never said that."

Camilla frowns, "Why do it? You don't have to! We can fix it, killer.. murderer.. worker.. uh, what is it?"

She doesn't even remember my name. My heart shatters at this, and my hands drift to the knife holster on my pants. "It's Amara Snaire. Agent Snaire. Agent four. The assassinator." The words roll off my tongue like butter, and I watch her eyes darken sadly.

She stares at me with a shocked expression. "Mara..." She mutters, staring at me sadly. "You look.. so different. So... Not you."

"You know know who ME is. You have no idea who I have become Camilla Snaire. You do not know me like you did. I am not the same sister you had. I am a killer. And I am sent to kill you." I spit out almost robotically.

Camilla stares at me in shock, her body freezing in place with shock. She freezes, too.. She's probably scared.. No, no. Shut up. You have to KILL her, not pity her!

She stares at me so sadly, for a split second I swore I saw my nine year old sister begging for her own cake on my birthday. "Amara.. Please." She begs.

My heart sinks, and I hear Kaiden's car pull up in the driveway. "Act normal, put me in the closet. One wrong move, and I will kill you both tonight instead of tomorrow." I spit.

She nods profusely, opening the closet door as she wipes away her tears. She rushes to the kitchen area and begins washing dishes, humming my favorite song. She likes that song, too?

Kaiden knocks three times, opening the door. "Hey, Cam - Why didn't you lock it? You have to be careful.. You never know who's out there." He states cautiously, shutting and locking the door. Little does he know that his biggest threat is already in his home.

Camilla shakes her head, "Oops, I must have forgotten. Sorry." She giggles, hugging him tighter than she should've.

He pulls away. "Miss me that much?" He nods, looking off into the living room. As he steps closer, I notice his dull eyes. He looks scared, and he looks lifeless. Can I really take his life?

Camilla eyes the closet anxiously, gulping as she follows Kaiden. "Hey, Kaid. I think you should shower tonight.." She states suspiciously.

Kaiden turns to her with a grin, "Me? Tonight? Are you feeling alright?" He shakes his head, feeling her forehead.

Camilla stares directly at the closet, and Kaiden's gaze followers hers. Is she giving me away? Dumb mistake.

Kaiden eyes the closet suspiciously, "Cam. What's in the closet?" He stares at Camilla.

She just begins to break down, insane sobs escaping her lips. Kaiden leaps up and opens the closet door, only to find me standing up with a knife in hand. He screams and jumps back, almost landing on the lamp.

"Kaiden, nice to meet you." I smirk, "I've met Cam already.. So nice to see you too." I hold out the hand that isn't holding my knife.

He stares at me anxiously, "Fuck you... You can't take us." He demands.

I shake my head dramatically, "Awh, nice to see you too, brother." I chuckle.

He sits there in utter shock, "Amara?"

• /\ ---------------------------------------------------- /\ •

a/n: forgot the author note😭. im updating again soon !



in this story, it will ALL be in amara's pov, EXCEPT 3 chapters!

i will be writing 3 chapters out of her pov, but i have only decided one. i have picked darius as one of them, so i'm going to put a list down for you all to pick from.


Miss Charlotte
Mr. Martin


Amara's mother


Thank you :) <33

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