1. the news

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one          .         the news
[ narrative ]
MAY 12TH, 2024
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩


"LIZZIE, SCHOOL ends soon and you need something to do this summer." My mom tells me as I sit down for dinner. "I've signed you up for a summer camp, you'll be working at it."

"What? Why, mom?" I ask, a little angry that she didn't even ask me about it.

Me and my mom didn't have the greatest relationship, to say the least. She has unreal expectations for my future and wants me to be a carbon copy of her from when she was growing up, but I'm not.

Therefore she takes her anger out by doing petty things like undermining me by directly doing what I tell her I dislike and making me do it anyway. So I'm not that close with her because she doesn't value or respect my opinion or how I want to live my life.

I would say I'm close with my dad, and I think I would be if I lived with him, but he moved out of state and my mom won't allow me to know where he lives or even visit him, so I only ever call my dad, but it's decently frequent.

"Because you spend too much time on your phone and you do absolutely nothing all summer." She replies. "You're going, I don't want to hear arguments. The camp starts the day after school ends, so I expect you'll begin to pack."

"Mom, I don't want to go. I have friends I need to hang out with." I explain.

"I don't care, your friends will be here when you get back. This is something you need, Elizabeth." She says passively.

Elizabeth. Nobody calls me Elizabeth, only ever Lizzie or Liz. Elizabeth is reserved for my mom when she's mad... more like always, but still.

"Fine, whatever." I sigh. "What day?"

"The 20th." She smiles at me. "It's the 12th today, you have basically a week to pack for the summer."

"Yeah yeah." I mutter, finally taking a bite of my meal.

We eat in silence for a while because I don't feel like talking and she obviously doesn't either. After I finish my meal I wash my plate off and put it in the dishwasher then immediately head up to my room so I can tell my dad about how outrageous this summer camp idea is.

I call my dad, but unfortunately I get no answer. I try a few more times, and I still get no answer. I sigh before giving up and deciding to go for a walk since it's like 9PM and my mom is probably up in her room by now. I slip on my shoes and head outside.

I go on my walk, one earbud in so I can hear my surroundings since it's night.

My neighborhood is super safe, but I'm being cautious anyways because it's night and people are weirdos.

I'm listening to emails I can't send by Sabrina Carpenter as I walk, knowing her music always resonates with me and I always can listen to it when I'm down.

Is dad just busy? Is there a reason he didn't answer me?

I kick a rock as I walk, and when I reach the front of my subdivision I begin to walk back. I hum quietly to the music playing through my earbud, and I can't help but wonder how my summer will go.

Is it gonna be awful? Will I make friends? Is there internet connection?

I mean... not that I need it, but like, what if it gets burnt down? How would I alert my mom?

Maybe I could just run away and live with dad.

Unfortunately when I arrive back home, my mom is standing on the porch with a pissed off look. Well fuck.

"Elizabeth! Where in the world did you go?! It's ten o'clock at night!" She shouts, and I take my earbud out, trying not to get upset.

"I just went for a walk, mom. I do it all the time." I mutter.

"Well not anymore! I called you like 10 times!" She scolds angrily. "In the house. Now. Your phone is gone until you can improve your respect towards me."

"What?! But mom—" I protest, but she holds her hand out towards me with a warning look.

"No buts, Elizabeth. I'm your mother, and you need to respect me correctly or you'll never get anywhere in life." She says sternly, and I roll my eyes before dropping my phone into her hand and storming inside. "Elizabeth! Apologize to me! You can't act like a spoiled brat and think that's okay."

"What exactly did I do that was so spoiled, mom? Go on a walk? Last time I checked you don't own the ground!" I groan, and she gives me a look.

"You disrespect my authority. Maybe being in contact with your father isn't a good thing. I'm going to block his number from your phone." She decides, and my face falls.

"What? No! That's insane! He's my father, I wanna talk to him!" I yell, and she shakes her head.

She walks inside and sets my phone down in front of her in the kitchen, since she can't do anything without knowing my password.

"You're not mature enough for that, so I'm taking it into my own hands and removing a bad influence." She replies.

"No, mom, please. It has nothing to do with dad." I beg.

I never ask my mom for anything. I've become so independent that I'm paying for my own car, and I'm only 16.

"It appears it does have to do with your father, so I'm removing him from your life. You'll thank me later, Elizabeth." She says calmly. "What's your password?"

"I'm not giving you my password, mom. I don't want dad out of my life." I answer. "Please. I'll start packing for that— that stupid summer camp."

I feel tears prick in my eyes even though I don't want to cry, and I wish I could talk with my dad.

"No, you had your chance. Go to your room unless you're willing to give me your password." She threatens, and I swiftly grab my phone, sprinting up to my room and locking the door behind me.

I'll just stay in here all week, it'll be fine... yeah.

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

jenna speaks!

sorta a sad chapter especially for being the first but I'm happy to say her mom is gone for the rest of the book! (Except for some of next chapter)

she goes to camp next chapter!! I'm very very excited 🙏

thank you so so much for reading and I love you all so so much!

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