6. breakfast

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six          .        breakfast
[ narrative ]
MAY 24TH, 2024
food... among other things
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

THE ENTIRE night, all I could think about was Malachi. He was going to kiss me, wasn't he? I'm not crazy... at least I don't think I'm crazy.

When I "wake up"... it's not really waking up because I only got an hour of sleep, but I get the kids up and usher them to the dining hall.

After getting them all through the line, I sit down at the counselor table, sighing as I set my head down on the table tiredly.

Malachi laughs. "You good, Liz?"

"Tired." I mutter, and he grabs my shoulders right sit me upright.

"Why're you tired?" He asks me softly.

Because I was up thinking about you.

"Overthinking." I mutter, and he frowns.

"About what?" He questions, and I shrug, putting my head back down on the table. He lifts me up again. "About what, Elizabeth?"

"Ew, don't call me that." I send him a side eye, and he smiles at me.

"Alright, I won't." He agrees. "Only if you tell me why you were overthinking."

I look away from him. I can't exactly say that he was the reason, Aurora and Aiden would never let that go.

I take in his outfit to avoid answering the question. He's wearing the typical shirt, but a white version, and some black shorts. Why does he look good in everything?

"Earth to Lizzie? You were asked a question." Aiden snaps his fingers at me, which snaps me out of mu thoughts.

"Oh— right, uhm... just about my mom and stuff." I shrug.

Malachi sends me a reassuring glance while everyone else is in their own little conversations, and I smile at him.

"Lizzie? You wanna go get some food with me?" Belle asks, and I nod.

We get up to get food, and Aurora follows us. While we're up there, they pull me behind a secluded wall.

"Malachi and you. What is going on there?" Aurora intimidates me, and my eyes widen.

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