9. tricked

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nine         .        tricked
[ narrative ]
MAY 25TH, 2024
forced to talk.
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"AIDEN? MALACHI? What are you two doing here?" I ask the pair, and Malachi looks at Aiden.

"I need to apologize to you. I already made up with Malachi, and it appears you found out about me and Rory, so..." Aiden says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm really sorry, Lizzie. I don't know why I was so mad that you and Malachi were so close, but I do think you should wait a little bit before you decide if this is a good idea. I know you two get along well, but you don't even know the other person's favorite color, let alone anything personal about them. If you do decide to get together right now, I'll support you, but I don't know if it'll last long."

I think over his words. He is sort of right... Malachi and I should get to know each other before we make an impulsive decision and ruin something that could be amazing.

I nod. "You're right, Aiden. We don't really know each other. Who's knows if we'll even still be into each other after we know each other better."

Malachi looks a little disappointed by my words, but he doesn't say anything. Aiden smiles softly at me.

"I'm glad you're gonna try to get closer first. Also, Malachi told me you wanna move in with Dad, and that's completely doable. There's plenty of room in our house, and my mom wouldn't mind. She would love to meet you, and I think dad's been trying to win custody for a while without your mom's knowledge. If you wanna discuss that more, find me at like eight tonight so we can talk about it, alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Thank you." I mutter, still trying to process the fact that I can possibly live with Dad when summer ends.

Aiden holds his hand out for Aurora to take, and she does take his hand. The two walk out with their hands intertwined, and I give Malachi a weird look.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." I grimace, and he laughs.

"Me either, Ranger." He answers, but then his face goes slightly serious. "So... we'll get to know each other first?"

I nod at him. "Yeah. You seem really cool, and I enjoy being around you, but Aiden has a point. I don't know anything about you."

"Well, get to know me then. I found a pretty secluded spot in the forest. Every night we can walk there, and you can ask me any questions you want. We'll get to know each other that way, and if you decide you're no longer interested, I'll go on with my life acting like I'm not into you." He smiles, which causes me to smile back.

"Act like? You'll still like me?" I ask, and he nods.

"Of course I will. Nothing you say could me make stop." He answers. "Unless my mom doesn't like you. That's a major red flag. She loves everyone."

"You two close?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. I love her like crazy. She's always been my biggest supporter, and I don't know what i'd do without her. She never steers me wrong, so if she doesn't like someone I don't hesitate to cut them off." He explains. "No matter who they are. I've cut off some of the best people in my life because she said she didn't trust them, and it turned out she was right. Half of them were using me for money."

My eyes widen slightly. "I'm so sorry, Malachi. That's awful."

"No, I'm fine, honestly." He shrugs. "I'm used to it."

I frown. "You shouldn't be. For the record, I didn't even know you had money, so..."

He laughs. "I'm not concerned about you using me for money, Ranger. I know you're a good person."

"Thank you. That... actually means a lot." I whisper, and he nods.

"Of course. I'll find you later, then?" He raises an eyebrow, and I nod at him.

"Yeah, later." I reply, heading for the door of the cabin and walking out. He's not far behind me as we exit, and of course Ariana,  the actual bane of my existence, is standing outside with her minions.

"Were you two kissing?" She asks, quite loudly, and my face heats up.

"No." I say at the same time as Malachi, who says "I wish."

My eyes widen and I slap his arm, not wanting her to give him any bright ideas. She gives us a look.

"Mr. Aiden told me that you two weren't, but Ms. Aurora said you were, so I don't know who I believe..." she thinks out loud.

"Well, we weren't." I deadpan. "Aurora is a liar. Plus she's dating Aiden."

Her jaw drops. "She stole my husband from me?!"

I nod, acting as if I'm on her side. "Mhm. That's why you shouldn't believe her."

She thinks for a moment before nodding. "Fine! I believe you, but not because I like you, because I believe Mr. Aiden!"

"Alright... whatever you wanna say, Ariana. Go find the rest of the group." I sigh, and she listens, getting her friends to follow her.

Weird how she's the only one who even causes me any issues. Never her weirdly silent friends, never any other kids. It's always her.

This needs to be tested. Like in a lab. What is wrong with that child's brain that she thinks she needs to harass me all the time.

"Go find your group before Ariana comes to harass you again, Ranger." Malachi reminds, and I nod.

"Right. Uhm... see you later!" I say awkwardly, and he sends me a soft smile.

"Later, Ranger." He replies, letting me walk off.

I'm actually glad my mom signed me up for this summer camp thing, because if she didn't, I wouldn't be moving in with dad, I wouldn't have met Malachi, and I would be walled up in my room all summer.

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

jenna speaks!

well... not angst right now!! this is probably gonna be my shortest fic at around 17-20 chapters, but I'm not sure.

there's one more chapter and then a time skip, so be prepared for that!

thank you all so so much for reading, I love you all so much!

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