10. lakeside

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ten . lakeside
[ narrative ]
MAY 27TH, 2024
20 questions.
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"RANGER, I cannot physically carry you back to your cabin, you're gonna have to walk." Malachi laughs, and I groan.

"My legs hurt, Mal! There was absolutely no reason that we had to participate in that dumb race." I complain, and he pats my shoulder.

"Well maybe you should work out more and you—"

I slap his arm. "Are you calling me fat?!"

"What? No! Lizzie, I would never." He says seriously. "I'm being so serious right now. Don't ever assume that. You're the complete opposite of fat, Ranger. You're gorgeous."

"I—" my face heats up. "I was joking, but thank you."

Aiden gags. "Quit flirting!"

Malachi sends him a look. "Says the motherfucker who was kissing Rory behind the dining hall."

"Oh my gosh, guys I'm freaking out." Belle says excitedly. "Okay. So kind of bad news? For you guys, at least. I'm leaving at the beginning of July to go back to my mom's for the rest of the summer."

"That's exciting! Do you not see your mon very much?" Aurora asks, and she shakes her head.

"No, I don't see her often. I lived with my mom my entire childhood, but my dad got custody when I turned 12, and I never had time to visit, but she's not busy this summer and I was able to afford a ticket, so I get to visit!" She squeals.

"I'm so happy for you!" I smile at her, and she smiles back.

"Yo, wait. You know Dylan or something, right?" Malachi asks, and she nods.

"He's my childhood best friend. I haven't seen him in 3 years other than that one volleyball game. I rarely use social media, so we don't talk much anymore." She explains. "I'm not sure if he'll be home or not since he might be filming something right now."

Malachi nods, not adding anything else to the conversation. I feel his arm snake around my waist, sitting on my left hip, since he's sitting on the right of me.

Aiden snaps his fingers at us. "Absolutely not."

"Aiden!" I complain. "It's fine. The kids are asleep since it's past eight o'clock, and I'm fine with his hand. Chill, please."

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