Chapter 6 - Meet your Inner Dragon

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"Power tastes like forbidden fruit, and Fate conceals even more of these illicit delights. Though her story has just begun, it was already written centuries ago."


Dragons were not creatures to be trusted blindly. How can one trust a being that emits fire from its mouth? Being the Queen of the Dragon world made Aurelia more dangerous than ever. Dragons, living longer than any other beings, even the Fae, are not as wise as their age might suggest. They are more cunning and mischievous, often speaking in tongues, bestowing curses, and answering questions with riddles, leaving others more confused than before.

They are not trustworthy, and Rue had learned her lesson. Yet, she had no other option but to accompany Aurelia.

The pressing question remained: What more does Rue have to lose in this gamble?


As the sun approached the horizon, welcoming the night, an orange hue cascaded over the horizon. A few remaining rays created a beautiful silhouette of the dragon. Aurelia's scales glimmered with the remnants of the sun's rays, casting a golden hue around her.

Aurelia soared into the sky at the speed of light before descending to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. She swirled, forming a coil and emitting fire from her body, her transformation guided by the silent song of the forest. The black ash settled down, revealing not a fearsome creature but a woman standing in the clearing.

Her appearance retained echoes of her draconic form: hair flowing like liquid gold, reflecting the dragon's fiery essence; eyes deep and commanding, holding centuries of secrets. Her body, now human, radiated an aura of power and grace, marking her as a sovereign of both the skies and the land.

Clad in a gown that mirrored the iridescence of her scales, she stepped forward, her presence both commanding and serene.

"What are you looking at?" Rue remained silent, utterly mesmerized by the transformation. She was so captivated that she forgot she could speak, having never witnessed such beauty in her life. She completely forgot her predicament. Was this what they call hypnotism?

"I know, I am fascinating. Now let me ride you. You've had your fun; now it's my turn." With a devious grin, Aurelia sat on the back of Rue's dragon form.

Rue was truly enchanted by Aurelia's charm, unable to resist her actions. Aurelia tightened her grip on Rue's scales, causing Rue to growl in pain. With a forceful kick, Aurelia prompted Rue to take flight.

As they soared into the sky, Rue experienced the world through a dragon's eyes. Her soul and mind were human, but her body was that of a dragon. Adapting to this new reality was challenging, but she knew she had to manage for the time being.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Rue inquired.

"No, not now. Let me enjoy this moment," Aurelia dismissed her, giving Rue's stomach a sharp kick.

Rue growled in pain but felt powerless to react. Now a dragon, she still had no understanding of her new form's capabilities.

Thus, Rue chose to remain silent, focusing instead on memorizing the landscape below to create a mental map.

The land was segmented by five rivers, all originating from its center. At this central point stood a palace atop a mountain, encircled by smaller dwellings.

The territories between the rivers were distinct realms, their purposes unclear to Rue. She noted a volcano in the southern region, likely the domain of dragons.

To the far east, an area shrouded in black mist caught her attention.

This strange reality left Rue pondering what had actually happened to the fairyland of lore, where all creatures lived in peace, birds sang to the protagonist, and a prince would come to save the damsel in distress.

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