Chapter 12 - The End - Part 1

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"You've forgotten our love; I'm dying to make you see, But you're blinded by her, lost to all but her deceit."


Rue intones an ancient mantra to open the gates of the fae land. This sacred chant not only grants her entry but also transports her directly to the White Palace's Ministry Hall. Determined to resolve this conflict, Rue is ready to let the entire land feel the heat of her wrath.

As she completes the chant, a circle of blue flames materializes in her kitchen. She takes a moment to gaze at her daughter one last time, her resolve steeling her for what's to come.

Taimat, cradling Jiya, transforms into her dragon form and vanishes into the night sky.

After tearfully bidding farewell to her daughter and ensuring she has all five elements in her satchel, Rue stopped for a moment and notices a pot of white lily next to the dishwasher. She picks it up, holding onto it as a poignant reminder of the love that blossomed under the moonlight, blessed by the Moon Goddess.

With the lily in hand, Rue steps into the blazing portal. The gate pulls her into its swirling vortex, tossing her through a vacuum. Moments later, she lands firmly in the Ministry Hall of the White Palace, ready to face whatever awaits her.

"Look who has arrived," Aurelia announced with a cackling laugh, capturing the attention of everyone in the hall. Aurelia sat to the right of Eryndor, asserting her status as his wife and the queen of the entire fae land, radiating beauty and authority.

The high ceilings of the White Palace gleamed, adorned with precious stones sourced from the dragon kingdom. Echoing Aurelia's proud in the hall.

Beside her, Eryndor sat with his arms crossed, his expression grave as he fixed his gaze on Rue. Draped in white, his head bore the Fae King's crown, intricately crafted from forest twigs.

Aurelia clutched his arm, pulling herself closer to Eryndor, visibly asserting her dominance.

The ministers of the five kingdoms, gathered around the round table, were visibly shocked by Rue's sudden appearance.

"What brings you here?" Eryndor inquired, his voice laced with a venomous edge.

Rue fought back tears, longing to run into his arms, but she restrained herself, knowing all too well that Eryndor would not openly reciprocate in such a setting.

"I am here to remind you of the pact we made, Aurelia," Rue declared with determination, asserting her presence before the assembly.

Infuriated by Rue's audacity, Aurelia rose from her seat and, with a flick of her finger, levitated Rue into the air.

Eryndor sat back, observing the confrontation unfold.

Stunned by his indifference, Rue could not comprehend how Eryndor could remain passive while Aurelia tormented her. Though Eryndor was known for his ruthlessness, this cold detachment was uncharacteristic.

"A filthy human," Aurelia sneered. "Dare to defy me again, and you'll witness what I'm truly capable of."

"You think you wield power?" Rue retorted, her voice steady despite her precarious situation. "Let me remind you of the force that dwells within me."

A flicker of fear crossed Aurelia's eyes.

Abruptly, Aurelia released her magical hold, dropping Rue to the floor. She strode towards Rue with a menacing glare.

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