Chapter 11 - Save my Daughter

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"I am going to burn everything. You will also taste the Ashes in which you have burnt me."


~Present Day~

"Taimat, we need to leave this place as soon as possible," Rue urges Taimat. She blames herself for the predicament. Why did she even attempt to contact Eryndor? He has forgotten all the moments they shared and would never listen to her now. She must protect her daughter.

"Mumma!" Jiya cries out, her voice loud with fear. The sight of her mother in dragon form terrifies her. This is the first time Jiya has seen her mother's draconic transformation, although she has always felt a protective presence shielding her from harm. She never imagined it was her mother's dragon form keeping her safe.

"Mummy! Please come back," Jiya pleads through her tears.

Rue transforms back into her human form and rushes to her daughter, who is hiding under the study table.

"Honey, come out. Mumma is here," Rue coaxes as she gently pulls Jiya from beneath the table. Holding Jiya close, she carries her back to the bed.

Cradling her daughter in her arms, Rue tries to soothe her. Jiya is so frightened that she can't tear her gaze away from the window, where she first spotted three large figures attempting to take her away from her mother.

"Look at your Mumma." Rue pulled Jiya, holds her face in her hands. Rue kissed her. "Your mother is here. No one, I repeat no one in this entire universe can take you away from her."

Rue kissed her again and hold her tightly.

"Mumma is going to tell you a secret. Promise you won't get frightened," Rue says as she takes Jiya into the kitchen. She lifts Jiya onto the countertop and transforms into her draconic form.

Initially, Jiya is shocked and surprised as she watches her mother morph into a dragon. However, when Taimat—Rue in her dragon form—bows her head to nuzzle Jiya's nose, Jiya feels her mother's warmth. A smile spreads across her face, and she kisses the dragon, calling it her mother.

Rue then reverts to her human form and utters something in the draconic language. Suddenly, Taimat emerges from Rue's body. Being the Mother of All Dragons grants Taimat a status akin to that of a deity, allowing her to exist both within and outside the human body at will.

Despite witnessing such an extraordinary event in her kitchen, Jiya remains unfazed. To her, there are now two mothers to care for her. Content and plotting revenge against her bullies, Jiya feels empowered. Had she known about her mother's abilities earlier, she would have already shown her bullies a taste of her newfound power. But for now, she needs to stay calm and composed.

"Jiya, meet Taimat," Rue introduces.

"Hello, Mother," Jiya responds without hesitation, calling Taimat her mother. This brings tears to Taimat's eyes—it has been ages since anyone has called her 'Mother.' Even her own kind has forgotten her, all because of Aurelia.

Rue is pleased that her daughter has accepted Taimat. "Jiya, listen to your mother. You have to leave with your mother. Mumma has some business to finish."

"Oh, Mumma, are you going to fight back against those monsters?" Jiya asks, her voice tinged with excitement, her earlier fears seemingly evaporated.

Rue gently kisses Jiya's nose and nods in response, her eyes tender with unspoken promises.

Taimat, needing to conceal her identity in the human world, transforms into her human form. Though her draconic form is akin to a deity descending upon the mortal realm, her human guise is equally striking. Her skin glows with a golden hue, soft as a feather to the touch. Her hair, dark as a stormy night, falls in lush curls, and her eyes—deep obsidian with a ring of brown at the iris's edge—gleam like gold. Her presence is ethereal, her beauty so captivating it could command men to their doom on her mere whim.

Her gaze, heavy with the weight of prophecy and the knowledge of ages, can pierce through the veils of time far beyond what any mortal can see.

Taimat approaches Rue, concern etching her features. "You cannot face them alone. Have you forgotten what happened last time? You were—"

"STOP!" Rue interjects sharply, cutting Taimat off mid-sentence. She doesn't want to revisit the darkest chapters of her past, not in front of Jiya. She is determined to shield her daughter from the pain and suffering she has endured.

"I know what I'm doing," Rue states firmly, her voice brimming with resolve.

Jiya, caught between the formidable presences of her mothers, pipes up in her sweet, innocent voice, "Mumma, Jiya will do whatever you say. Taimat Mother, please listen to Mumma. She's a superwoman. She can fight anyone."

Her words, filled with unwavering faith and admiration, hang in the air, softening the charged atmosphere with the purity of her belief.

"Take her to a place where no fae can reach, where no dragon can detect her, where no witch can curse her, and no vampire can thirst for her blood. Hide her away from the werewolves that might prey on her innocence. Remove her from everything that led to her creation," Rue implores Taimat with urgency.

Rue is beseeching Taimat to safeguard her daughter in the Draconic Soul Realm, a sanctum where the dragon deities reside. It's a realm so secure and sacred that the thought of harming her child there would be inconceivable to any foe.

"Keep her safe until I return. Promise me she will never be alone, no matter what transpires. Promise to fill her world with joy," Rue entreats, seeking an unbreakable vow. This is the kind of promise that, if shattered, demands a steep price—the life of someone dearly cherished. In their case, it would be Jiya's life at stake.


In the present day, Rue is embroiled in a fierce battle for her daughter's life, yet the shadows of her past in the fae land loom large. Why do the people of the fae land wants her daughter? Where has Eryndor vanished to? Numerous questions swirl around, shrouded in mystery. While some may find answers, others will remain enigmas on this journey.

Rue's mission has always been to help her grandfather, to show the world that he was not delusional but a bearer of love, too painful for some to acknowledge.

As my narrative unfolds, I will not transport you back in time; rather, we shall remain in the present, venturing once more into the fae land to confront those who seek to strip Rue of the one thing she holds dear.

Sending her daughter to the Soul World was a decision fraught with agony, a gamble in times of utter desperation. Now, let's discover what Rue plans next as she faces off against those who have underestimated her. This human may lack their supernatural abilities, but she possesses a power unknown to them, a force potent enough to overturn the very foundations of their existence.

Burdened with promises and wielding a resolve as formidable as any magic, Rue prepares to show no mercy to the merciless who dared threaten her child. This time, she fights not just for survival but for retribution.

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