Chapter 13 - The End - Part II

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"I yearned to love you, to offer my soul entire, But destiny whispered other designs, a different fire.

It crafted a path I could never have foreseen, Leaving me with dreams unfulfilled, visions unseen."


Hello, dear readers, I continue to share this tale and will do so for ages to come, for it endlessly sparks the question, "What if?" in my mind.

Can someone truly sacrifice everything for just to spend a second in their lover's arms? They yearn for years, dying to meet, and when they finally do, destiny intervenes with its cruel tricks, as if the cosmos itself conspires to keep them apart in this lifetime.

Each time I recount the ending of this story, tears inevitably follow. I often ponder, how could that possibly be the conclusion?

I've wandered so long in the telling of this tale that I've forgotten the taste of happiness, bearing the weight of this narrative as if destined to carry it through eternity.

Now, let us complete what Rue has begun. Listen closely...


As Rue narrated her side of the story to Eryndor and the four ministers of the kingdoms, Aurelia sensed her grip on the meeting slipping. Desperate to regain control and eliminate Rue once and for all, she began plotting her next move. Aware that if Eryndor learned the truth about their pact, it would be difficult for her to persuade him to continue denying what he had long resisted.

Aurelia knew she had to act swiftly. She has been giving a small dose of red stone to Eryndor—a substance that subtly manipulates the mind of its recipient, gradually deteriorating their memory and power. While it worked instantly on humans, affecting magical beings required years to reach a similar stage of deterioration.

Aurelia realized that relying on the red stone would take too long; Rue's presence threatened to unravel her facade.

"What are you implying? A mere human turned changeling has the power to destroy the Mist, when the King and Queen could not?" Aurelia scoffed at Rue.

"Yes, I was there. It was a golden dragon, much larger than any draconic form you've seen. And it certainly wasn't you, Aurelia," Eryndor added, siding with Aurelia, his heart torn between belief and the facts he knew.

Taking a deep breath, Rue challenged, "You are a Fae King, capable of seeing into my memories. Look for yourself and see what truly happened that day."

Aurelia's composure faltered, her breathing quickened—she couldn't deter Eryndor now.

Eryndor stepped towards Rue, gently cradling her face as he delved into her memories. He revisited the dark day of their wedding: a small dragon had scorched the aisle, its roar nearly deafening him. As he watched further, he saw himself battling dark creatures emerging from the mist, while Aurelia, transformed into her dragon form, fought alongside him. But then, a creature bit him, sending him into a haze of semi-consciousness.

Looking up into the sky, he saw a golden blaze, a fire so vast it could blind anyone. Upon closer inspection, he recognized the majestic dragon—it was Taimat, the Queen of all Dragons, saving everyone with a resounding explosion that snapped him back to reality.

Tears filled his eyes as he attempted to probe deeper into Rue's memories, but he was abruptly shut out, left only with an oppressive darkness. A ferocious growl echoed, as if about to leap from Rue's mind and strike him.

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