Wasted True Potential

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“Oh you've got to be kidding me” I mutter walking with Master Wu to the upside sacred Bell of Divinity

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“Oh you've got to be kidding me” I mutter walking with Master Wu to the upside sacred Bell of Divinity.

Joyful voices unified together from inside of it.

The ninja decided to take a dip in the bell, deciding to have it act like a hot tub.

Wu, is rightfully pissed. “I can't believe we're back to this.” he groans.

Lloyd passes gas, shrugs and looks at us, us two obviously disgusted. “What?”

“After every big victory, you get lazy, complacent, careless.”

Kai drinks his soda, “Uh, that is not true!”

Cole stretches his arm out, “We're recovering. We're resting our muscles.” 

What muscles?! He has none! That body is not a temple anymore! “That was a month ago.” I mutter glaring at them.

“Months? Really?” Nya asks.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! I'm pretty fucking sure!”

“Well, well, who's counting?” Kai puts his hand above his head innocently.

“I AM!” I hiss, annoyed already.

“Look at yourselves!” Wu uses his staff to poke his at Lloyd's stomach, “You've gone soft.”

“Dad bods might be hot, but that laziness is not.”

Wu goes along with me and points his staff at Jay and Zane, “You do nothing all day, but play video games, and eat cake.” He smacks Cole's slice of cake down into the water. “And soak in this... this…”

Cole looks around the water, “Hot tub?”

That enraged master Wu, “It's not a hot tub! It's the sacred Bell of Divinity. Out! Out! All of you!”

The ninja all complain at once, climbing out nevertheless.

“Emergency meeting in the monastery. In three minutes!” He shouts leading the way for me.


Buttoning up my white over shirt I tucked it into my ankle length skirt.

I've been forced into wearing more traditional clothes again, nothing I'm not use to but I definitely do miss pants. And shorts and ugh short skirts.

My shoes tapped against the ground as I sped towards the room the meeting was being held at.

The ninja were lined up, still in their bathing suits. At a moment like this I would enjoy staring over their muscles or even right now looking at their cute little bellies.

Okay well… I couldn't help myself very much. My eyes trained on Lloyd’s body.

Wu points at Zane, “You have become soft, lazy,” he throws Cole's sandwich into the air. “flabby.” his eyes glanced over to me, “y/n!”

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