Long Live the King

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A bright light flickered on, causing the comfortable darkness to be dimmed a bit.

“All hands to stations!”

Groaning I blinked my eyes open seeing the power back on.

Nya and Maya were missing.

“Full power!” P.I.X.A.L states.

Lloyd takes a seat besides me, looking down in surprise at my sudden awakeness. “How are you feeling? I healed your head when everything settled.” He asks check me over.

“Like I have a migraine.” I grumble looking around at the others, “What happened?”

“Nya and Maya went to check out the source-” he watches my eyes widen in shock, “they have mechs. Jay fixed the engine with his power.”

Awe Jay risked his life for his girl.

“All systems are go. The helm is yours, captain.” P.I.X.A.L smiles looking at Zane.

Zane glances at Jay, “No, the helm is yours.”

Jay grins standing up, “All ahead. Left full rudder. Set your course on that energy signal.”

“All ahead.”

“Left full rudder.”

The Bounty powers up heading towards the energy signal.

“Hang on, Nya. We're coming.”

“Are they in trouble?” I ask as the ship propelled faster.

“Their oxygen sources have less than an hour left” pix answers.

“Lloyd you're with me!” Jay commands, waving his hand to Lloyd who follows him out of the room.

I'm so confused! I need more explanation! “Be safe?”

The two swim out into the water, towards two mechs being attacked by sharks. They eventually managed to pull the mother and daughter back in.

Maya sighed looking at Jay, “Thank goodness you all came along. I thought we were done for.”

“You said you knew I could save us!” Nya grumbles.

“Well, I didn't want to be a Gloomy Gus, heh…”

An alarm goes off, P.I.X.A.L. quickly swivels around to check on it, “That's the proximity alarm. I'm afraid we have unannounced visitors.”

“Awe man…”

“Trespassers, you have illegally entered the domain of King Trimaar, ruler of the Endless Sea and monarch of Merlopia. Come peacefully, or you will be fired upon.” a few snakes in some water crafts demand.

Snakes. Why is it always snakes?

Zane sighs, “The Hydro Bounty is not in any condition to sustain further damage.”

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