Chapter 3: Sierra

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          It is currently six in the morning, just a two days before the nationals in San Jose, California start. I was out on the practice ice, running through my short program with Coach Taylor watching me closely, there were eleven other skaters on the ice and several news reporters. When I had finished my run through, I went to the wall close to where Coach Taylor was standing. 

          "That was a good run through," Coach Taylor said, handing me my water bottle, "Get a drink of water really quick and then I want you to run through your long program next." 

          "Okay," I said, grabbing my water bottle. I took a few small sips before handing it back to Coach Taylor before I skated off to get into my starting position. I did a full run through of my long program, landing all four of my quad jumps and my triple axel double toe loop jump combination. Once I did my ending pose, I went back over to Coach Taylor.

          "That looked really nice! I would like you to practice your quad jumps a bit more and your triple axel combination jump as well."

          "Okay," I responded. I stood at the wall just a bit longer before I did an easy lap of the rink before I worked on my quads and triple axel combination.

          Once my practice time was up, I went back to my hotel room where I stayed with my mother. The rest of my family stayed back at home while my mom accompanied me to San Jose. 

          "How did practice time go?" my mom asked as I put my skating bag down. 

          "I think it went well, I feel exhausted but Coach Taylor said that I tomorrow I'm just going to practice my short program and then I'll have the rest of the day off to relax a bit." 

          "Okay sounds good, are you up to doing some sight seeing this afternoon?" 

          "Sure but first I want to take a nap." 

          I laid down on my bed and fell asleep. I then woke up an hour later and we left to take an Uber to go see the Monterey Bay Aquarium at nine in the morning. I took some quick photos and videos while we were there to post later. We enjoyed exploring around and seeing the different animals. We stayed at the aquarium until noon before we left and went out to eat lunch at a nearby restaurant. We made it back to the hotel by four in the afternoon. 

          "Next to compete from the Wellington Figure Skating School, Sierra Tracy," the announcer said. It was the big competition day, today I would perform my short program. I was wearing a nice light blue and white dress decorated with many rhinestones.

          I glided on my one foot and raised my arms up as I had been taught to do when my name was being announced. I then got into my starting position for my short program. 

          "Alright you've got this," I said softly to myself. I took a deep breath in and then exhaled slowly. Then my music started and I pushed off, my only thoughts were my elements and the music. It was time for my triple axel double toe loop combination jump. I got set up and then jumped, my heart flying as I spun through the air and landed on the ice. I quickly let my free leg go behind me and picked it back into the ice for my double toe loop jump. I landed it perfectly fine and turned back to skating forwards. I then did a few more of my choreographed turns before I then went into my layback spin, then I transitioned into my catch-foot layback before I finally got into my biellmann spin. After holding my biellmann for a full seven rotations, I let go and checked out of my spin. I got into my ending pose at the right time just before my music ended. A perfect skate!

          I heard the cheers and clapping of the audience. I stood up and curtsied to each other the four sides of the arena before I skated off, grabbing one of the stuffed animals that had been tossed onto the ice by one of the audience members.

          Coach Taylor was waiting at the exit with my hard guards. I stepped off of the ice and she handed my guards to me.

          "That looked good!!" Coach Taylor said, smiling, "You should get good marks to boost yourself into first."

          "Thanks!" I said as I was putting my hard guards on my blades. Then we walked to the Kiss and Cry to wait for my score to come in.

          "Sierra Tracy has earned a total of 90.65 points in the short program, breaking the world record and putting her into first," the announcer said. I couldn't believe it! I had just beaten the record short program highest score that had been previously set by one of the other skaters that Coach Taylor had coached! Coach Taylor and I hugged each other.

          "Well done! You definitely deserved that score!" Coach Taylor said, patting my back. I smiled and turned back to the camera and waved happily as the crowd clapped and cheered loudly however none were clapping and cheering as loudly as my mom who was standing a few feet away from the Kiss and Cry!

          I was the second to last skater to compete. I stayed and watched the other girl skate and receive her score before I left to get my skates off and to change out of my dress. My mom and I went out to eat dinner to celebrate. After our main course, my dessert was fresh fruit as Coach Taylor said that I can only have desserts for special occasions like my birthday and for holidays like Christmas and even then, I can only have a small amount of dessert. I took a selfie picture with my mom while we were at the restaurant. Once we got back from the restaurant, I went online and posted on my Instagram the picture of the restaurant and the caption read, "Celebrating my short program record!" 

          I then got ready for bed and just before I went to bed, I looked at Instagram one more time. I saw many different people had liked my post, my friends, some of the big name skaters like Nathan Chen, and then I noticed a verified account that I didn't recognize, Charlie Bushnell. I looked at his account and found out that he was a famous American actor. I then turned off my phone and settle down into my bed. It took a while as I was still very excited from today's events but I eventually fell asleep. 

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