Chapter 5: Sierra

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          It was now Wednesday June 20th. I had arrived thirty minutes early to Learn To Skate and was getting ready to teach the adults. I looked at the four adults that I had their sheets for, many of them were going to pass their level. I saw the four adults, one of them being Charlie, coming onto the ice. 

          "Hey everyone!" I said cheerfully, "So I was looking at each of your evaluation sheets and I'm going to go ahead and pass all of you to Adult 2 and I will give each of you your sheets at the end of the session today." 

          I had them start learning and working on their adult 2 skills. Then after Learn to Skate was just about over, I began handing out the evaluation sheets. I came to Charlie last to give him his sheet. 

          "You're doing really well Charlie," I said, giving him a friendly smile, "You've definitely got talent." 

          "Thank you Sierra!" Charlie said, "I was wondering if you might be open to meeting up sometime this week to get to know each other? Like maybe go out to eat somewhere?" 

          "Sure," I said, "Tomorrow lunch at Olive Garden at 12:30pm?"

          "Sounds good to me."

          I noticed that it was time to get off the ice. 

          "Alright everyone it is time to get off the ice," I said, "Good job today!" 

          Once all of the skaters were off the ice, I got off the ice to change into my practice outfit and then I did my usual off ice stretching and warm up before I got my skates back on and got onto the ice for the practice session. I did a quick on ice warm up before I finally began to go through each of my different jumps from both my short program and my long program and then did the same thing for my spins and choreography. Finally, I did a full run through of my short program and skated over to the wall to get my water bottle. 

          "I would like you to run through your long program too once you do another full run through of your short program," Coach Taylor said to me. I nodded before I took a sip of water. Sammy then came beside me. 

          "Did I hear that you got asked out by none other than Charlie Bushnell?" Sammy asked me. 

          "It's not a date if that's what you're asking me," I said. 

          "Just the two of you going to Olive Garden for lunch certainly sounds like a date to me," Sammy insisted, "You're really lucky that Charlie seems to like you, he's really good looking." 

          "We can talk more later," I said, "I need to get in another full run through of my short program and as well as a run through of my long program." 

          Then I skated off. I kept my mind focused on my practice and finished the run throughs that I needed to do. 

          "Am I good to leave?" I asked Coach Taylor. 

          "Yes,  you are good to leave," Coach Taylor said, then patting me on the back, "You did excellent!" 

          I gave her a big smile before I skated to the exit and got off the ice, closely followed by Sammy. The two of us went to the locker rooms to get our skates off and change. 

          "So what do you think of Charlie?" Sammy asked as the two of us were untying our skates. 

          "He seems like a nice guy," I said, "But so far it seems like he only likes me because of my skating talent and my physical traits like the other guys who have attempted to pursue me." 

          "But lunch tomorrow will give you a chance to see if he really only likes you because of your skating abilities. The other nice thing is that if it doesn't go well tomorrow, he's only going to be here for the week." 

          I had just gotten my skates put away and I grabbed the pants I had packed into my skating bag and changed out of my black skating pants. I then took out the hair tie and brushed through my hair. 

          "Well, I should get going," I said, "My parents want my help with some of the house chores. See you later!" 

          "Alright see you later and good luck with your lunch tomorrow!" 

          Charlie and I walked into Olive Garden together and a waiter lead us to a table. 

          "Can I get either of you any drinks to start?" the waiter asked as he was handing us each a menu. 

          "I'll just have some water please," I said. 

          "Same here," Charlie said. The waiter nodded and then left to get our drinks. I looked through the salads on the menu to see what options they had. 

          "So do you only skate or do you have other hobbies that you like to do?" Charlie asked. 

          "I mostly just skate and teach others. Usually any time that I'm not spending on something skating related is spent either doing schoolwork or spending time with my family. Do you have any hobbies aside from acting?" 

          "Well I enjoy snowboarding and music, I know a little bit of how to play a guitar." 

          "Nice!" I said. He smiled at me and I gave him a small smile back. Then the waiter came back. 

          "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" the waiter asked. 

          "You can order first," Charlie said to me. 

          "Are you sure? You can go first if you're ready to order." 

          "No, you can order first." 

          "Okay then," I said, then I turned to the waiter, "I would like to get the chicken and gnocchi soup, salad, and bread sticks please." 

          "Alright," the waiter said, then turning to Charlie after writing down my order, "What would you like?" 

          "I would like to get the chicken tortelloni alfredo please." 

          "Alright I will take your menus." 

          Charlie stacked our two menus up together and handed them to the waiter. Then the waiter left. 

          "I'm guessing that you're on a strict diet?" 

          "Yeah, Coach Taylor said that I have to watch my calories, to not eat more than what I need to stay healthy. I'm also only allowed dessert around major holidays like my birthday and Christmas." 

          Charlie and I enjoyed talking for the next few minutes and soon our food arrived. We ate our food and continued to talk. Soon I saw that it was time for me to leave. 

          "Well I really enjoyed getting to know you more," I said, "But I need to go back to my house to get my skates and get ready for Learn To Skate." 

          "And thank you for your time and I also enjoyed getting to know you better." 

          As I then left, I continued to think about the time I had spent with Charlie. As we had kept on getting to know each other better, it seemed as though he was impressed by more than just my skating abilities as I had previously thought. He had been such a sweet gentleman to me and genuine. 

          "I can't allow myself to get distracted by a guy," I chided myself, "I still have my whole skating career ahead of myself and I can't afford to get distracted." 

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