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On one side is a doctor and delicious food everywhere, on the other side is a dog that doesn't recognize humans.

Aqiao stood outside the broken window, hesitated for only a second, and chased the dog in the direction it left.

[You can find delicious food again, and you can also find doctors again. But there is only one dog. ]

She crossed two streets and ran very fast. She ran as fast and as fast as she could, but still couldn't catch up with the dog.

My ears heard its roar muffled in the throat resounding across the street.

Finally, after taking several shortcuts, she connected with the dog at the intersection.


She jumped out and yelled, trying to make it stop.

The dog also yelled at her to get out of the way.

A man and a dog confront each other at an intersection. The surrounding zombies had already fled away, and everything was deserted.

a long time. The dog jumped up and tried to get past her.

Ah Qiao reacted very quickly and pounced on it, grabbing its hair with both hands, and straddling its long legs to sit on its back.

The movements were fast and skillful, as if they had been done hundreds of thousands of times.

The dog was stunned for a second, unable to bear this humiliation. He stood up and threw her down wildly, with angry roars coming from his throat.

Ah Qiao had already planned it. He put his arms around its neck and pressed his entire upper body tightly against it. While comforting it to stop, rub its head with your face.

Every time she nudges the dog, the dog will be quiet and obedient.

This time it didn't stay quiet, but ran forward very violently, jumping and jumping, spinning in circles in a determined attempt to get rid of her.

Ah Qiao is determined not to let her go, even to the death.

She felt dizzy in her stomach and acid juice came up. She closed her mouth tightly, hugged the dog's neck, closed her eyes and let the strong wind blow her hair into a mess.

From the city to the outside of the city, there are tall buildings and mountains. Ah Qiao couldn't bear it anymore - vomited - and

vomited out all the snacks and yogurt he had eaten last night. Vomit poured down from the dog's head and down his nose.

The dog came to a sudden stop, its amber eyes gradually dimming.

The tip of the sniffing nose detects a disgusting sour smell that makes the dog uncomfortable.

It was confused for a long time, and when the person on its back "vomited" for the second time, it suddenly realized what it was, and then the whole dog became furious! Jumping on the spot more than ten meters high!

He landed hard on the ground and almost dropped A Qiao who was vomiting. Even in the middle of vomiting, he was shaken back by this powerful hitting action.

She slid off the dog's back, grabbed the dog's ears, and patted its chest with her other hand.

The dog with a filthy face glared angrily at her, baring its sharp fangs that were bound to tear her apart.

I, the zombie, the owner of the safe houseWhere stories live. Discover now