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On the second day of the new year, a group of uninvited guests came to the village.

He said he came from the Northern Security Zone. On his way out on a mission, he heard that food could be grown here, so he came to investigate.

Lu Xunzheng cautiously asked the other party's number. The other party reported it and showed him his ID.

Lu Xunzheng turned around and said to Ah Qiao: "When vegetables are grown in the safe zone, the exchange information will be reported to other safe zones."

After all, it is not enough for one zone to have enough food. It is business to ensure that the whole country is well fed.

Ah Qiao said "Oh" and continued to watch TV with Xu Sui side by side.

This is too lazy to care.

Her heart wasn't there.

Song Li asked the key question: "What kind of investigation method?"

As she spoke, her brows furrowed, as if she understood the word "inspection" very well.

A village is a village, not a place directly under the jurisdiction of anyone, so we still need to inspect it.

If you want to inspect it, Ah Qiao will come to inspect it.

Looking at those people, she always felt that everything was strange. But Lu Xunzheng recognized their identities again.

The person who was leading the conversation seemed to realize that he had used the wrong word at this moment, and he coughed to relieve his embarrassment, "We learned the same thing before."

His attitude was much more modest than before.

There were examples of "mutual learning" with the Northwest Security Zone in the past, but now it is difficult to drive away people from the Northern Security Zone no matter what.

Only when humanity's food and clothing are solved can the virus crisis be solved more quickly and the world return to normal.

Song Li didn't bother to care, so she nodded and asked them to follow Lu Xunzheng.

People in the safe zone teach people in the safe zone. No matter who is talking about it, there will be no gossip.

After those people thanked them, they did not leave immediately. Instead, they looked at Ah Qiao who was watching TV and asked Lu Xunzheng: "Is she Ah Qiao?"

Lu Xunzheng said with a smile: "Yes, but she has nothing to teach you. If you want to learn the real skills, you still need to You have to go to the ground and do it yourself. After one round of work, everyone must know how to do it."

He was afraid that the safety zone would tell the north about Ah Qiao, and these people would catch Ah Qiao and not let him go. Ah Qiao has a childish temperament. It would be bad if he gets angry and bites people directly.

Now everyone in the village knows that Aqiao is a zombie that looks like a human.

It's like the past tacitly.

"Then what happened around her...?"

The man frowned in confusion and took a few steps forward, as if he wanted to get a closer look.

His footsteps stopped in front of the brazier in the corridor. He turned back in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

Lu Xunzheng nodded. The man looked horrified for a moment, took a few steps back, and whispered to Lu Xunzheng: "Are they really zombies? Do you raise zombies?"

I, the zombie, the owner of the safe houseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon