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He Gaoqing never thought that one day he would meet that zombie and the dead dog.

After the zombies and dogs left, he, his wife and children took the food left by the zombies and found a secret place to wait for the disaster to pass and for the country's rescue.

Food was at the bottom, and all food in the city was plundered.

Still no sight of the national rescue team.

The country's safe zones distributed in various regions can only be heard from intermittent broadcasts. The safe zones can ensure everyone's safety, but survivors need to go there on their own.

He, his wife, and son set out on the road to the safe zone with what little food they had left.

I'm hungry after eating the food.

The wife is dead.

The son also died.

The safe zone is as far away as a legend.

In order to avoid zombies, he buried himself in a pit in the ruins and used a discarded oxygen tube he picked up from somewhere to breathe.

A large group of zombies stepped over his head like ants moving before a rainstorm.

He Gaoqing felt nervous, scared and wanted to die.

He didn't know how far away the safe zone was, or how far he had traveled from his hometown.

All I know is that he has nothing left now.

There was no food, no water, and all you could see were zombies.

Where should we go, and how can we avoid zombies and walk safely?

My heart was at a loss.

Moreover, he was tired from walking...

He fell asleep under the soil, his eyelashes trembled restlessly and he slowly closed his eyes.

Maybe it would be better to take away the oxygen tube and bury him here to die.

It's always better than being torn apart by zombies.

The oxygen mask moved away from his face little by little.

The soil above my head rustled down, immediately filling the gap left by the oxygen mask.

The smell of earth and the feeling of suffocation are overwhelming.

He began to have trouble breathing.

Scenes of scenes from the past, the entire life, ran through my mind. He seemed to be standing in the clouds looking at his past life.

With a good family environment and excellent learning ability, I was admitted to a medical university and successfully entered graduate school and entered the hospital.

Then I opened a clinic simply because I wanted to schedule my own shifts.

Get married and have children.

The child was obedient and smart...

There was a sudden strong tug on the oxygen mask, and something ripped his oxygen mask away from above.

He Gaoqing, who was in a trance, came to his senses for a moment, holding his oxygen mask tightly with his right hand.

The oxygen mask was pulled between the two parties, and the trachea and mask broke. Soil leaked from the broken tube, completely filling the oxygen mask.

I, the zombie, the owner of the safe houseWhere stories live. Discover now