Chapter One

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"You should leave."

Hanni opened her eyes and frowned, rolling over to look at Minji, who had apparently gotten up and put her clothes back on after Hanni had just begun to drift off.

"What? Why?" Hanni asked, sitting up quickly and pulling the bedsheet up over her chest. She hadn't had any issue being naked with Minji when Minji was also naked, but now suddenly she felt self-conscious.

"Because!" Minji cried, sounding exasperated as she threw her hands up in the air as though the answer should have been obvious to the dumbfounded blonde staring back at her. "This was a mistake. You need to go."

"Minji!!! You're freaking out!" Hanni insisted. "Just calm down."

"No. Get out." Minji turned away from Hanni and started picking up the Sheriff's clothing from where it had been strewn around the room. She tossed jeans and a black bra and a white tank top at Hanni without looking.

"Where the hell are your panties?" Minji asked, dropping to her knees to look under the bed.

"I wasn't wearing any, remember?" Hanni reminded her with a playful grin as she began to put her clothes on.

"Fine. Get dressed and get out," Minji said, standing again and glaring at Hanni.

Hanni rolled her eyes. Leave it to Minji to flip out after the fact. Two hours ago she couldn't get Hanni's clothes off her body fast enough, and now she was kicking her out of bed in the middle of the night. Hanni smirked to herself, knowing she shouldn't have expected any less from the former Evil Queen.

"Uh… Minji?" Hanni asked, once she was dressed and standing awkwardly beside the bed.

"What?" Minji snapped.

"Uh… are we gonna talk about that… thing… that happened? You know, the-"

"No! It doesn't matter. It was nothing, Hanni. Now go home," Minji said, as she grabbed Hanni by the arm and practically pushed her out of the bedroom.

"Call me?" Hanni grinned, cheeky as ever. She couldn't help but think Minji was cute when she was flustered like this.

Minji answered by slamming the door in her face.

Hanni rolled her eyes. "Alright, Madam Mayor, I'll see myself out," Hanni said aloud, as she turned and headed down the hallway.

This night hadn't exactly turned out how Hanni had envisioned, but she couldn't exactly complain, either, even if Minji was currently in a tizzy.

The evening had started out innocently enough, when everyone had met up at Granny's for Thanksgiving dinner. Hanni had been sitting with Sunghoon, but practically ignoring her, as her attention was on Minji all evening.

Minji didn't seem herself. Hyun-Ji, the proud father, was busy showing the baby off to everyone, while Minji sulked across the table from Hanni.

It had been Emma's idea to start taking shots.

Neither of them were drunk, but tipsy enough, perhaps, that their judgments were both a little clouded, and when Haerin had left early with the baby, it had been Hanni who suggested maybe she should walk Minji home, since driving was out of the question for either of them.

Sunghoon had seemed less than thrilled by that, but Hanni was more concerned with Minji at that moment.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drunk before," Hanni laughed.

"I'm not drunk!" Minji shot back, before chuckling. The mirth was short-lived, however, as a more somber look replaced it.

"What's up with you tonight?" Hanni asked, as they neared the Mifflin street mansion.

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