Chapter Eight

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"It sounds like this little one doesn't like it when her mommies fight," Haerin said, soothingly, after Hanni had recounted the events of the diner - from Hyun-Ji's proposal to her fight with Minji - to her. She'd left and headed straight to Haerin's, and was now laying, curled up on the couch, with her head on the other woman's lap, as Haerin stroked her hair softly, letting her magic flow through Hanni.

"Her?" Hanni asked.

Haerin smiled. "You never took a biology class? We didn't know what chromosomes were in the Enchanted Forest, but it's fairly common knowledge among practitioners of magic, even there, that two women can only produce a female child.

"Oh," Hanni said, nodding. It made sense, but she hadn't really given a thought to the baby's gender before that. "I never felt anything like that when I was pregnant with Rex."

"No, you wouldn't have. The baby was reacting to the magical presence in the room. You and Minji were fighting, and it affected the baby," Haerin explained.

"But you don't think it hurt it - her - do you?" Hanni asked, biting her lip as she absently ran her fingers over her still-flat abdomen.

"I can still sense her magic, and it feels strong, Hanni. She's fine."

Hanni nodded. "I, uh… you were right, about Minji's magic. It helped, instantly," Hanni admitted.

Haerin smiled again. "I'm right about a lot of things," she remarked, but it didn't come off as condescending. In fact, Hanni found it reassuring to know that at least someone knew what the hell was going on.

"She's so mad," Hanni said, with a sigh.

"She's an idiot," Haerin replied, with a shrug. "She's my oldest friend and I love her dearly, I always will, but she doesn't have a great track record for making good decisions. She'll come around."

Hanni shook her head. "I'm not so sure I even want her to anymore. Maybe she doesn't even deserve to know."

"Hanni… You know you have my full support in all of this, and I will be here to help you, no matter what, but Minji is my best friend. I can't let you keep this from her indefinitely."

"But she's gonna flip out and her anger will hurt the baby," Hanni insisted. "I have to think about my child's safety over Minji's feelings."

"Yes, you do," Haerin agreed. "And, for the time being at least, I think you're better off limiting your contact with Minji as much as possible. Her magic may be better for you, but not when she's like this. She'll do more harm than good right now. That being said, however, you won't be pregnant forever. And if you never tell her, eventually, I will have to."

Hanni swallowed hard and nodded. She really wanted to tell Haerin that maybe Minji didn't deserve her loyal friendship, but the woman had forgiven her for locking her under the library for twenty-eight years, so she supposed there wasn't much Haerin couldn't forgive in Minji.

"Okay," Hanni agreed, finally. "You're right. Again. But I can't do it right now."

"I know. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you," Hanni said, with a sigh, as she finally sat up. "I guess I should get going now, and let you and Hyein have your evening together."

Haerin glanced toward the kitchen where Hyein was busy working on their own Christmas Eve dinner. "I really should see if she needs help," Haerin agreed. "But Hanni, please know you are never an inconvenience, no matter what I'm doing, alright? And I think maybe I should stop by your place tomorrow afternoon, just in case. The holidays are draining to begin with, and much more so in your current situation."

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