Chapter Five

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"Mom!" Rex called from the living room, while Hanni was in the kitchen making dinner for the two of them. She still felt nauseous, and she hoped the pills Dr. Lee had prescribed her would start to work before she sat down to eat with Henry.

"What, kid?" Rex called back, as she stirred the spaghetti sauce on the stove.

"What are these?" Rex called back.

Hanni rolled her eyes. "What are what? I can't see you."

"These," Rex said, moments later, stepping into the kitchen and holding up an orange pill bottle in his hand. "I found them in the couch."

Hanni felt her heart skip a beat as she stepped over and grabbed her morning sickness pills from Rex's hand. "Just, uh, some painkillers Dr. Lee prescribed me a while ago. For headaches. I was wondering where they went."

Rex eyed his mother suspiciously for a moment, and Hanni wondered if perhaps he knew what the pills were actually for. She shook the thought from her head in an instant. There was no way Rex would have ever heard of Diclectin.

"Are you okay?" Rex asked.

"Yeah, kid. I just get bad headaches from time to time. Not a lot. Hardly ever, really. Probably why I misplaced the pills, because I barely ever need them," Hanni insisted. She hated lying to Rex, but she knew she couldn't drop this bomb on him right now, especially not since he was here to escape another baby who'd already taken over his life.

Rex nodded, though he didn't look convinced, but allowed his mother to continue what she was doing until dinner was ready.

Hanni put on a brave face and forced herself to sit down and eat dinner with her son, even though she felt so awful she wished she could just curl up in bed and hide from the world. But this wasn't like when she was pregnant with Rex and no one knew who she was or cared about her, and she could just lay, alone, in her bunk at the prison all day while everyone went about their lives.

And she knew Hyein was right. There would be no hiding this, not in a few months at least when the evidence would show itself. She knew she'd have to tell Rex and her parents before then, but she was sure she could wait just a little bit longer.

And she'd have to tell Sunghoon.

Or Minji.

As much as she tried to convince herself that Lee had screwed up, that nagging voice in the back of her head kept telling her that he hadn't. There had been magic that night, Hanni knew it, and somehow she was sure this pregnancy was a result of that.

But how could she tell Minji?

Hanni was ripped out of her thoughts by the sound of her phone ringing on the counter behind her, and she jumped up to answer it, silently relieved for the distraction from picking at her food and pretending she didn't feel sick for Rex's benefit.

Well, she was relieved until she saw who was calling.

"Minji," Hanni said, somewhat timidly, into the phone. "Hi."

"Where is my son."

It wasn't even a question, and Hanni immediately felt her defenses going up. "Our son is sitting at my table, having dinner with me."

"I see," Minji replied, curtly. "So now we just switch weekends without so much as a heads up, I take it?"

Hanni sighed and headed out to the other room, where she could talk without Rex overhearing. "I didn't switch anything," Hanni insisted. "Rex came here on his own. It wasn't my idea."

"Really. Funny how in the last three weeks he suddenly seems to want to spend all of his time with you," Minji commented.

Hanni could feel herself starting to fume as she stepped out the back door and slammed it behind her. "What are you insinuating, Minji? That I'm using him to get back at you because you won't talk to me?"

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