Chapter Two

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When Hanni awoke the following morning, she momentarily forgot the events of the night before, until she rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom where she spotted Minji's lipstick still smeared over her neck in the mirror.

And she grinned.

And she thought about it the entire time she was in the shower. She remembered Minji's hands on her skin as she lathered up her vanilla body wash, and she bit her lip and leaned her back up against the cool tiles as the realization hit her that it actually happened. That wasn't a dream or a fantasy. It was real.

She was still grinning like an idiot by the time she made it into the station, even though Minji had yet to call or text her. Hanni figured she needed time to sort out her own feelings, and maybe deal with Danielle, so she decided it wasn't time to worry yet.

"What's with you?" Ming asked, as Hanni walked in.


"You. That smile. I haven't seen you smile like that in a while, Hanni," Ming commented.

"Oh. Nothing. Just having a good day, I guess," Hanni replied, with a shrug, as she headed into her office. She checked her phone again, just in case, and when she still found no messages, she shrugged it off and got to work.

It was about half an hour later that her phone finally chimed. A text from Minji: We need to talk.

Hanni bit her lip as she felt a knot growing in her stomach. That wasn't the kind of message she'd been hoping for, and she was suddenly worried that something was wrong. She tried to shake it off as nerves, because despite Minji's freak out after the fact, she had been totally into it before, and Hanni was sure that meant something.

It had to mean something, right?

She swallowed hard as she typed in her response: Ok. When and where?

My office. Now, if you can.


Hanni informed Ming she was off to a meeting with the Mayor - which happened frequently enough that Ming didn't question it - and headed out to her Bug to drive to Minji's office.

She felt her nerves increasing on the entire drive over, as something about their text exchange had been unsettling to her.

She hoped her nervousness didn't show on her face as she darted through the hall to Minji's office, and quickly pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"You don't knock?" Minji asked, not bothering to look up from her papers on her desk.

"Well, I thought we were a little past that now," Hanni said, timidly. She had never knocked before, why should she start now? And, for that matter, Minji never knocked, so Hanni was confused as to why the sudden need for formalities.

"Shut the door."

Hanni nodded once and did as she was told, before taking a couple steps closer to Minji's desk. To her relief, Minji finally looked up from her paperwork, and Hanni's heart skipped a beat when she looked into those deep brown eyes again - the same eyes she swore looked right into her soul the night before, right before that magical thing happened. The thing Minji said was nothing. Hanni wondered if perhaps that was what she wanted to talk about.

"So… um… you want to talk?" Hanni asked, suddenly completely clueless as to what to do with her hands. She fidgeted awkwardly before finally shoving them into the pockets of her red leather jacket, where they would no longer be a troubling distraction.

Minji seemed to notice the fidgeting, and frowned. "Yes. About last night."

"Minji, last night was-"

"A mistake," Minji finished, before Hanni could start gushing about how it was the best night of her life and everything she'd ever wanted and all she'd been waiting for.

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